CAN-Servo Controller

This dsPIC30F4011-based servo (position) controller receives commands via a CAN. If a DC motor does not have a rotary encoder, you can plug a contactless magnetic rotary encoder (CMRE) module into the board (via two SIL connectors) and provide (in a self-contained unit) rotary encoder and position control.

Mariano Lizarraga Fernandez, the designer, explains that the board in this project also fully configurable via a CAN network and no power-cycle is necessary for any change to take effect. The board has programmed PID controllers with selectable parameter from user. The controller gains, maximum and minimum pwm commands, and device ID are also configurable. All configuration values are stored in the dsPIC's EEPROM so once it is configured at the full contempt of the end-user, no more changes are required.

Project Documentation and Schematic (zip)