Interfacing microcontroller avr to GPS mobile phone

The first idea was to combine a microcontroller with a GSM and a GPS modul. There are a lot of these modules over at Sparkfun, for example. Finally he choose Telit GM862, which is a GSM modul with an built in GPS receiver. Sparkfun sell great break out boards to make it easier for hobbyist to access these modules.

Here are some of the features of this GSM-GPS module:
  • Quad band GSM
  • 17mA average stand-by, 3.5mA in low-power mode
  • 250mA average operating current
  • SiRF III GPS Receiver Built In
  • Data, Voice, SMS, and Fax
  • Data speeds up to 57.6kbps
  • Supply voltage : 3.4-4.2V
  • CMOS Camera Capable
  • Python Interpreter built-in