Howto use Windows Shared HP printer in Ubuntu / Debian Linux (using samba)

Most of the Computer Labs in Industry and Education Institutions are equipped with Windows. So Printers are also connected to Windows machines. Here a Simple howto for sharing windows shared printers for Linux users. I have test with a HP1015 printer installed in an Windows XP machine and shared. My linux box is ubuntu 9.04 ( I also tested with ubuntu 8.04, 8.10 , debian 4.0 and 5.0).

First install samba

apt-get install samba

apt-get install smbfs

apt-get install cupsys

after this installations

open a browser and type


you will get a cups administration page

select add printer

then type Name : anything
Location : anything
description : anything

now you will get a dropdown menu

select windows printer via samba

now there is text box Device URI

type smb://shibuscomputer/1015 ( see I have a shared hp 1015 printer at computer name called shibuscomupter and share name of printer is 1015 with permision to all)

after selecting uri u will get a page for selecting make

select your printer make in my case it is HP

next page select model HP Laserjet series PCL 4/5 CUPS v 1.2 (en)

now printer installation is over

you can make a test print now