I was very interested to see what's been happening 'across the pond' in Manchester, Massachusetts. I certainly makes for some interesting parallels with what the latest developments are here in the UK!
They are currently planning a move onto a pay-as-you-throw scheme as the statistics from Gloucester MA show a 13% increase in recycling rates and a 29% reduction in waste incineration since implementation of a similar scheme. Interestingly if these rates could be duplicated in Manchester MA, they could recoup as much as 35% of its spend on disposal through onward sale of recyclates.
Other developments in Manchester MA include the introduction of a single stream recycling scheme, which they hope will help to increase participation and subsequently total recycling rates for the town, as well as reducing the total cost of disposal by as much as $135,000 a year. Across the 5 year scheme they are projecting to make a total saving of $600,000 after costs.
It certainly makes for interesting comparison with recent developments here in Manchester UK. Especially after the announcment of the deal between GMWDA and Viridor Laing to build a series of facilities in Greater Manchester, it seems almost inevitable that the majority, if not all of Manchester will also move towards a single stream recycling system in the not too distant future.
Looks like we have more in common with our US cousins than you might think!
Onwards & upwards!