How to Change Windows Controls to Right side in Ubuntu 10.04

This is very difficult to mange left side control of Ubuntu windows.Simply you can change this setting.

1. Open up the gconf-editor tool
Open a terminal and type
$ gconf-editor
2. Navigate to apps-->Metacity --> general.
3. Double click the button_layout key.
4. Change the value of this key to menu:maximize,minimize,close.
5. Click OK and the change will occur immediately.

You can now close the gconf-editor tool.

Thesis on Advanced Single-Stage Power Factor Correction Techniques

Five new single-stage power factor correction (PFC) techniques are developed for single-phase applications. These converters are: Integrated single-stage PFC converters, voltage source charge pump power factor correction (VS-CPPFC) converters, current source CPPFC converters, combined voltage source current source (VSCS) CPPFC converters, and continuous input current (CIC) CPPFC converters.

Integrated single-stage PFC converters are first developed, which combine the PFC converter with a DC/DC converter into a single-stage converter. DC bus voltage stress at light load for the single-stage PFC converters are analyzed. DC bus voltage feedback concept is proposed to reduce the DC bus voltage stress at light load. The principle of operations of proposed converters are presented, implemented and evaluated. The experimental results verify the theoretical analysis.

VS-CPPFC technique use a capacitor in series with a high frequency voltage source to achieve the PFC function. In this way, the input inductor is eliminated. VS-CPPFC AC/DC converters are developed, and their performance is evaluated. VS-CPPFC electronic ballasts with and without dimming function are also presented. The average lamp current control with duty ratio modulation is developed so that the lamp operates in constant power with a low crest factor over the line variation. The experimental results verify the CPPFC concept.

CS-CPPFC technique employs a capacitor in parallel with a high frequency current source to obtain the PFC function. The unity power factor condition and principle of operation are analyzed. By doing so, the switch has less switching current stress, and deals only with the resonant inductor current. Design considerations and experimental results of the CS-CPPFC electronic ballast are presented.

VSCS-CPPFC technique integrates the VS-CPPFC with the CS-CPPFC converters. The circuit derivation, unity power factor condition and design considerations are presented. The developed VSCS-CPPFC converters has constant lamp operation, low crest factor with a high power factor even without any feedback control.

CIC-CPPFC technique is developed by inserting a small inductor in series with the line rectifier for the conceptual VS-CPPFC, CS-CPPFC and VSCS-CPPFC circuits. The circuit derivation and its unity power factor condition are discussed. The input current can be designed to be continuous, and a small line input filter can be used. The circulating current in the resonant tank and the switching current stress are minimized. The average lamp current control with switching frequency modulation is developed, so the developed electronic ballast operates in constant power, low crest factor. The developed CIC-CPPFC electronic ballast has features of low line input current harmonics, constant lamp power, low crest factor, continuous input current, low DC bus voltage stress, small circulating current and switching current stress over a wide range of line input voltage.
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Design and Implementation of computer Interfacing based Thermometer

The Project is classified into following four sections:
  1. Sensing section
  2. Measuring section
  3. Conditioning or amplification section
  4. Interfacing or data acquisition section.
  5. Display section.
Sensing and measuring section sense temperature and convert it into electrical quantity as voltage. Conditioning or amplification section amplifies the measuring section output, which is the input of data acquisition section. For conditioning we use non inverting amplifier. At data acquisition section we use analog to digital converter(ADC) for digital output and a multiplexer for converting ADC output from parallel to serial. The multiplexer output is sensed by a parallel port of personal computer by Matlab. Then the digital value is converted to decimal. From temperature versus voltage equation we get measured temperature.
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Four Fingered Robotic Arm Project

This paper deals with the design, construction, analysis and control of a multi figured humanoid robotic hand. It uses a very effective mechanism .The mechanism has a revolute joints to provide different kind o motion to the links The mechanism consists of springs so that the weight of the system is balanced by these springs this reduces the torque required for the motion of the robot .The mechanism used for the fabrication of the robot are mainly PERSPEX and WOOD because of their light weight.

The robot uses the Japanese futaba servo motors for motion of links. The robot consists of four servo motors of the rating 6V and torque 3 kg-cm. The robotic hand can be controlled by both the computer and the micro controller. The robot is controlled in two ways Manual and Automatic. The robot picks the object with the help of software program made in Visual Basic .Net.

The control software consists of a GUI (Graphical User Interface) designed in Visual Basic .Net. The software provides the large flexibility in controlling the robotic hand.

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thesis on Adaptive Power and Rate Control in Third GenerationWideband CDMA Mobile Systems

This thesis proposes novel adaptive power control and rate change schemesand investigates the performance of a Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (W-CDMA)system in conjunction with these adaptive techniques. In these schemes, the transmit power and rate are adapted to the variations of the fading channel using adaptivethresholds based on the probability distribution function (pdf) of the predicted mobilechannel power values.

We define a policy similar to the traditional power control technique withthresholds except that the thresholds are set based on several regions of operation in ourAdaptive Transmitter Power Control (TPC) and Adaptive Seamless Rate Change (SRC)schemes. These regions are defined by means of the probability distribution function(pdf) of the total average channel power. The pdf is initially constructed based on thehistory of the predicted channel power values derived from the long-range predictionalgorithm. These regions can be defined such that the system operates at a constant ratioof energy per bit over noise power.In a 1-user model with one channel path, the pdf of the channel power would bean exponential or chi-square function with 2 degrees of freedom.

However, in a W-CDMAsystem, normally the rake receiver has several fingers. That is, at the receiver,the system either estimates or predicts the channel coefficients at each rake finger andperforms maximal ratio combining by multiplying each finger with its conjugate or chooses the ones with the highest energy and performs maximal ratio combining on theselected fingers.In a two-user system where the multi-access interference is modeled as the Standard Gaussian Approximation (SGA), the system performance and error probabilityof our W-CDMA system becomes similar to the one for our one-user system.Consequently, in a single user detector system, when all users adopt a similar policy fortheir adaptive power and rate control, the average total Multi-Access Interference (MAI)will be reduced. The resulting channel capacity of the system in this case will beincreased and the system may operate in a lower transmit power level.We evaluate the performance of these schemes using a detailed block diagramsimulation of a W-CDMA system.

We model and simulate all major components of thesystem including an accurate model for realistic mobile channels. We present simulationresults to verify that the proposed novel schemes are superior to the traditionalapproaches for transmitter power control and rate change. Furthermore, our simulationresults show that our proposed techniques reduce the effect of Multi Access Interferencein a multi-user system.

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How to Convert AVI file to FLV in Ubuntu Linux

You can easily convert FLV file to AVI and Vise versa with Simple commands

Convert FLV to AVI file: 
$ ffmpeg -i mavideo.flv mavideo.avi

Convert AVI to FLV file: 
$ffmpeg -i mavideo.avi mavideo.flv 

If  ffmpeg is not intalled
$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Play Beautiful game Frogatto in ubuntu

Frogatto is a platform game in two dimensions. The protagonist of this game is a funny frog can jump, run, swim, while avoiding being hurt by the various monsters in each level.
It is currently available Frogatto version 1.0, which represents the first stable version of it.  Frogatto 1.0 is a classic platform adventure game is fun and fully playable.

Frogatto has more than 30 levels and a fully functional editor that allows you to create your own levels or, edit an existing levels.

How to Install Latest version Frogatto in Ubuntu
# sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/frogatto.list
# wget -O- | sudo apt-key add - wget -O | sudo apt-key add -
# sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install


The future tactical ocean environment will be increasingly complicated. In addition to traditional communication links there will be a proliferation of unmanned vehicles in space, in the air, on the surface, and underwater. To effectively utilize these systems improvements in underwater communication systems are needed. Since radio waves do not propagate in sea water, and acoustic communication systems are relatively low bandwidth the possibility of high speed underwater optical communication systems are considered.

In traditional communication systems, constructing a link budget is often relatively straight forward. In the case of underwater optical systems the variations in the optical properties of ocean water lead to interesting problems when considering the feasibility and reliability of underwater optical links. The main focus of this thesis is to understand how to construct an underwater link budget which includes the effects of scattering and absorption of realistic ocean water.

The secondary focus of the thesis was to construct LED based optical communication systems. This required understanding the behavior of Gallium Nitride LEDs operated under intense electrical pulsing conditions. An optical FM wireless system was constructed for transmitting speech. An LED based Ethernet compatible digital communications system that was capable of operating at 10 Mbps was also constructed and packaged for underwater operation.

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Holographic Information Systems Thesis

Holographic Information Systems Thesis
The goal of this work is to investigate the use of holographic techniques for information processing and transmission systems. Until recently information has been processed and transmitted mainly electronically. With the advent of optical fiber communications the monopoly of electronics has receded in the telecommunications field, but the domain of information processing is still dominated by electronic processors.

This thesis follows a top-down approach to the design of processors that integrate both electronic and optical components. It begins with the design considerations of a compact, rapidly reconfigurable opto-electronic processor, which possesses an optical bus in addition to the traditional electronic bus. The optical bus takes advantage of the massive parallelism that is afforded by optics and can be coupled to a holographic digital memory, allowing rapid reconfiguration of the device. The capability of rapid reconfiguration gives rise to a new computational paradigm, where the reprogramming of the device can become part of the computation. We suggest additional applications of this processor, namely as a smart reading head for large scale holographic disk memories. Finally we present novel algorithms that were developed specifically to take advantage of the additional capabilities of our processor. The next section is concerned with the wavelength and angular tuning of strong volume holograms, both in the reflection and 90-degree geometries. Since photons have no charge, we need to rely on their wave properties to manipulate them, both for long-range transmission, such as telecommunications, and short-range transmission, such as on chip interconnects. In this section we investigate how volumeholograms can be used to selectively redirect information bearing light beams.

The final part of this thesis is concerned with material issues. Holographic recording of strong volume gratings is one of the most commonly used approaches, and photorefractive materials have a strong bearing on the overall performance of the final system.

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Googlubuntu – Search Engine for Ubuntu Linux Users

Googlubuntu is a Search engine based on google for linux users. ”Googlubuntu is using Google customer search to search all related articles and sources about Ubuntu and the others.
Googlubuntu resources are from:,,,,,,,,,,,,

I Think it is useful for Linux users

An Impulse Generator Simulation Circuit

This thesis describes the creation of a simulation circuit to match the output of a Marx type Impulse Generator. The goal was to estimate the stray capacitance and insert that capacitance into the simulation circuit to effectively produce an output similar to that of the generator. An actual three-stage impulse generator was used as the base. Several different levels of impulse voltage were tested, and the output waveforms were captured. Research was conducted to formulate the stray capacitance and identify the locations of these capacitances in the generator itself. The simulation circuit was then subjected to several iterations, adjusting the capacitance values to attain an output as close as possible to that of the actual generator.

Conclusions of the research indicate that an effective simulation circuit can be created to give an output that is close to, but not exactly that of, the actual generator. In the research, several areas of error were identified in the actual generator that were not present in the simulation circuit. These areas are discussed in the thesis.
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In all semiconductor laser diodes the thermal, electrical, and optical characteristics are integrally related. In this work, a new approach to the modeling of laser diodes that integrates electrical, optical and thermal effects is presented. Also, it is demonstrated how physical device models based on complex differential equations can be easily implemented in the object oriented circuit simulator f REEDATM. Implementations of a Double-Heterojunction Laser Diode (DHLD) and a Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL) diode are described. Simulations and results for both the DHLD and the VCSEL diodes are presented for DC, transient, and Harmonic-Balance analyses.
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