There exists a need to remotely monitor fully mobile patients in their natural environments. Monitoring a patient’s biological waveforms can track a patient’s vital signs or facilitate the diagnosis of a disease, which could then be treated to help prolong and/or improve the subject’s life. If a patient must be monitored without the delay associated with delivering data stored on a recording device, biotelemetry is necessary. Biotelemetry entails transmitting biological waveforms to a remote site for recording, processing and analysis. Due to the limitations of the currently popular methods of biotelemetry, this thesis proposes the use of the increasingly prevalent cellular phone system. An adaptor design is developed to facilitate biotelemetry utilizing the most common features of a cell phone, barring the need for cell phone modification, as required for affordability. As cell phones notoriously confound sensitive medical equipment, especially patient-connected devices, their use is often distanced from sensitive equipment. However, the desire to use cell phones to transmit biological waveforms requires their joint-proximity to patient-connected devices.The adaptor must amplify the waveforms while rejecting cell phone interference to achieve an adequate signal-to-noise ratio. As the frequency range of most biological data does not conform to the passband of the phone system, the adapter must modulate the biological data. To limit the adapter’s size and weight, this design exploits the cell phone’s battery power. Methods are also introduced to receive and reconstruct high-fidelity representations of the original biological waveform.
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It seems these days that everyone has a cellular phone. Whether yours is for business purposes or personal use, you need an efficient way of charging the battery in the phone. But, like most people, you probably don’t like being tethered to the wall. Imagine a system where your cellular phone battery is always charged. No more worrying about forgetting to charge the battery. Sound Impossible?

It is the focus of this thesis to discuss the first step toward realizing this goal. A system will be presented using existing antenna and charge pump technology to charge a cellular phone battery without wires. In this first step, we will use a standard phone, and incorporate the charging technology into a commercially available base station. The base station will contain an antenna tuned to 915MHz and a charge pump. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such a system, and hopefully pave the way for a system incorporated into the phone for charging without the use of a base station.

Through the years, technology has allowed the cellular phone to shrink not only the size of the ICs, but also the batteries. New combinations of materials have made possible the ability to produce batteries that not only are smaller and last longer, but also can be recharged easily. However, as technology has advanced and made our phones smaller and easier to use, we still have one of the original problems: we must plug the phone into the wall in order to recharge the battery. Most people accept this as something that will never change, so they might as well accept it and carry around either extra batteries with them or a charger. Either way, it’s just something extra to weigh a person down. There has been research done in the area of shrinking the charger in order to make it easier to carry with the phone. One study in particular went on to find the lower limit of charger size [1]. But as small as the charger becomes, it still needs to be plugged in to a wall outlet. How can something be called “wireless” when the object in question is required to be plugged in, even though periodically?

Now, think about this; what if it didn’t have to be that way? Most people don’t realize that there is an abundance of energy all around us at all times. We are being bombarded with energy waves every second of the day. Radio and television towers, satellites orbiting earth, and even the cellular phone antennas are constantly transmitting energy. What if there was a way we could harvest the energy that is being transmitted and use it as a source of power? If it could be possible to gather the energy and store it, we could potentially use it to power other circuits. In the case of the cellular phone, this power could be used to recharge a battery that is constantly being depleted. The potential exists for cellular phones, and even more complicated devices - i.e. pocket organizers, person digital assistants (PDAs), and even notebook computers - to become completely wireless.

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Blam, a simple feed reader for GNOME

Blam is an application for GNU / Linux designed for the desktop environment GNOME . This is a very simple feed reader with a very simple interface from which we can access our feeds. Blam also allows us to add, delete or edit a feed easily. It also gives us the ability to import OPML feed lists, and export the lists created with the program itself.

How to Install Blam in Ubuntu
Blam is available  from the official Ubuntu repositories.
$ sudo apt-get install blam

A Digital Water Level Meter

Here's an analog water level meter that uses commonly available parts. The output is a voltage that is proportional to the water level.

The monostable is a 555, eg. LM555 or NE555, or could be a ICM7555, the CMOS version of the 555 for lower power consumption. The width of the pulses out of the 555 is proportional to the water level. R7 and C5 form a low pass filter to smooth the DC value of the pulse train. Their values can be increased to lower the cutoff frequency if dynamic response is not required. The lower the cutoff frequency the more noise immunity the device will have.

The zero offset is removed in the differential stage IC1B. The LM324 is a quad op. amp. that can be used in single supply configuration. The maximum output of an LM324 is about 1.5V less than the supply voltage Vcc. The supply can be from a 3-terminal regulator eg LM7808,LM7812, LM7815 - or LM78L08, LM78L12 or LM78L15. The voltage input to one of these regulators needs to be about 2V higher than the regulated voltage. For low power applications a micropower regulator like the MAX666 could be used.

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Digital Systems & Microprocessors Project

The project will give you the opportunity to use the RTL technique for the design of a system of modest complexity: a reverse polish calculator with 4 significant decimal digits. The project has various milestones among the specifications to allow you to do a top-down design and to tackle the project at various levels of complexity with plenty of scope for individual creativity. A major aspect of the project will be to explore different approaches of developing the different hardware blocks taking special account of meeting spec and synthesis in hardware.
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Robotic Arm Project

The main objective of this project is to create the virtual representation of a robot’s working environment. This virtual space gives user the ability to test the physical system without ever having to set up the physical environment and also user can practice without having to be on site. Another benefit of using a virtual space is that we can create any representation needed for the user. To control the robot in the real world, as well as the virtual world, we use MATLAB/Simulink to numerically analyze the inverse dynamics of the system. This allows us to specify the robot’s position that we want and then calculate the joint angles that will move the robot to that desired position. The robot will be used to manipulate a set number of objects with known positions within the system, real world or virtual.
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Solar Tracking System by Microprocessor

This project uses a stepper motor to control the position of solar energy collectors, using Intel 8085 Microp . The software includes the positioning of collectors through stepper motor & data acquisition and processing in Microprocessor.


LDR ( Light Dependent Resistance) is used as a sensor for generating an electric signal proportional to intensity of light falling on it. LDR is mounted at the focus of reflector which is directly mounted on solar energy collectors.


The stepper motor requires that its stator windings should be energized in a programmed sequence to cause the motor to run in a given direction and with a required speed.

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Home Automation System with Mobile Communication and Computer Interfacing

Home Automation System with Mobile Communication and Computer Interfacing
Main Features of the projects:
The Home automation project is divided into two parts:
  1. The electrical appliances with computer parallel port interfacing
  2. The remote external on/off of the whole system
The first part contains a interfacing circuits which should be connected with the PC via a parallel port. The computer should need a high definition language such as C, C+, C++, QuickBasic, visual c, c# etc according to user’s choice. The program will define the address of the LPT port for the computer as well as function and status of the devices whether the devices are on or off.
The second part contains a setup which could turn on/off the whole system externally. Here we use cell phone as it is used widely in modern life. The setup contains a mobile set, a decoder and programmable microcontroller. The decoder will decode the signal from mobile to microcontroller and the microcontroller trigger the relay which is connected to the interfacing unit.
Objective/Task of the project:
The main objective of the project is:
  • To generate and develop a circuit that will accept the signals from a computer interface via a port and control the switching of the relays which in turn will control the appliances running on mains power.
  • To analyze and develop the instruction codes utilized by the interface to interact with the device using a high-level programming language.
  • To design a DTMF decoder circuit which decodes the frequency of the button assigned to mobile phone.
  • To connect the decoder with a PIC microcontroller and programming it with necessary condition.
  • Finally Implement and combine the whole system.

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Robotic Project

Robotic ProjectThe Lego Mindstorms NXT has been in the market since 2006 and its potential for robotics application is increasing throughout the years. The Lego Mindstorms NXT educational kit consists of several types of sensors and motors, allowing the robot to be programmed to respond autonomously to different types of situations.

The traditional four-directional analog controller allows motion but is restricted by only the four direction keys. The Nintendo Wii remote, which is otherwise known as the ‘Wiimote’, expands on the traditional controller by embedding an accelerometer and Infrared (IR) sensors. The accelerometer allows motion capture of the Wiimote along the XYZ axis as well as detecting the roll, yaw and pitch. Combined with the IR sensors, it allows very accurate motion tracking. With the motion tracking capability on top of the traditional controller capabilities, integrating the Wiimote to a robotics kit will allow the robot to be controlled with more finesse.

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Mini PSU for Breadboard

Mini PSU for Breadboard
The purpose of the project is to create a 5V mini Power Supply Unit for breadboard. The project can be connected to 8-18 DC power source, or 9V battery. During construction, put the components in as tight as you can, while verifying that you can in fact complete the circuit on the underside of the board without adding any wires. The main component in this project is voltage regulator LM 7805.

To build this you need:

Some electronics skills. Soldering, knowing how to follow a circuit diagram etc..
  1. 1 voltage regulator LM 7805
  2. 1 10uF capacitor
  3. 1 1000uF capacitor (you can use any big electrolyte capacitor here, doesn't have to be exactly 1000uF)
  4. 1 100nF capacitor
  5. 1 LED for power on indication
  6. 1 resistor to take the voltage down from 5V to whatever your LED runs at
  7. 1 screw terminal for the input voltage
  8. 1 switch for input voltage on/off
  9. 1 perfboard, the type with copper eyes, not stripes
  10. 1 2-pin connector to plug the unit into the breadboard