AVR Wireless Streaming Radio

AVR Wireless Streaming RadioThe project allow you streaming your radio broadcast wirelessly over internet. The wifi radio built using an Asus WL-520gu wireless router, an old USB audio headset, AVR ATmega8 and other part. If you are interested to build Wireless Streaming Radio, here is the requirement you need to prepare : Wireless connectivity through existing Wifi network; Audio output (preferably 44kHz, 16 bit stereo); Shoutcast/MP3 streaming audio decode; A display to indicate the station and currently playing song; An integrated amplifier and speaker(s); Several built in station presets; and Simple user interface, using standard radio controls (volume, tune, etc).

Gary Dion said that the radio can be controlled over Ethernet and also IR transmitter. The firmware in the project is written in C. You can download the source code here and router shell script. The project inspiration come from Jeff Keyzer.

Learn the Top Tips for Choosing Mobile Computers

The process of choosing the right mobile computer for your business can seem like a daunting task. Yet with a little guidance you can select the computer best suited for your environment and workforce. This white paper provides tips on what to look for when purchasing mobile computers.

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100 Gnome High Quality Wallpappers

 Download 100 High Quality Gnome Wallpapers from here
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MIDI-Controlled Digital Synthesizer

4bitsynth is 4 bit MIDI-controlled digital synthesizer inspired by the NES. The project is built around Atmel AVR ATMega48 The digital output is put through an R-2R resistor ladder to get the analog waveform. It has three type output : Square wave, Triangle wave and noise.

Project Features Detail :

* One volume (uses up/down counter)
* Pitch sweep (up/down, optional looping)
* Standard pitch bend
* Fine pitch bend


* Three duty cycles: 12.5%, 25%, 50%
* Volume decay (optional looping)
* Pitch sweep (up/down, optional looping)
* Standard Pitch bend
* Fine pitch bend


* Two modes: 93-bit and 32k (think NES)
* Volume decay (optional looping)
* Pitch sweep (up/down, optional looping)
* Standard pitch bend
* Fine pitch bend

Optical String Tuning Tool, AVR AtMega8

Stimmmopped is AVR ATmega8-based project that will assists you in tuning your string instrument to a given tone. It utilizes the stroboscopic effect to give feedback about the adjustment of your instrument. When the frequency that you chose has tone then the two LEDs on the board blink. Two lines are projected at a fixed position on the string when the string vibrates with the correct frequency. If frequencies don't match, the lines appear to be blinking or moving to the observer's eye. The moving or blinking effect decreases with decreasing difference between the two frequencies.

"The project has two switches to choose the tone and instrument. Switch S1 toggles the current mode of the menu, which is either "choose instrument" or "choose tone". The 7-segment display displays the current selection. In the instrument selection mode, the display is lit up a bit brighter. Switch number two (S2) selects the tone or instrument in the given mode." said Madex (Martin), the designer.

Source Code And Layout

How to Find the Most Memory taking process in Ubuntu Linux

Some Times system administrators need to kill the memory eater process. When your system become slower, check the following command and find the memory eater.

Open a terminal and Type the following command

#ps aux | sort -nrk 4 | head

PIC based Animation Tile Display

PIC based Animation Tile Display, Display, LED, project, PIC, PIC24FJ64GA002, animation, puzzle
Puzzlemation is an expandable platform of light and animation based on PIC24FJ64GA002. It can be used to create things as diverse as modular animated signs that can be changed by rearranging its tiles, to a uniquely animated puzzle. This project’s display is made of a number of tiles, about 2 inch square with an 8 x 8 array of color LED pixels. Each tile is individually powered and animated, so user can freely pick them up and re-arrange them. To set up a display, the tiles are placed in a special tray. Animations are downloaded into the tray via Ethernet and stored locally on an EEPROM, or loaded via an SD card. The tray broadcasts the animation to each of the tiles, and then synchronizes them.

John Peterson, project designer, said that the display is completely reconfigurable. If the pieces are left in the tray, the animation can be updated continuously over the Ethernet connection. If the tiles are removed from the tray, they’ll display the animation for several hours with their own re-chargeable battery power. Once the animation is synchronized and running on the tiles, user can pick them up and place them anywhere.

Project Documentation, Source Code and Schematic(zip)
tag :
Display, LED, project, PIC, PIC24FJ64GA002, animation, puzzle

Ethernet WAN, Routers or Switches Making the Right Choice - Free E-book

In this white paper learn the value proposition and difference between these three tools, so you're able to make an informed decision:
  1. Ethernet WAN
  2. Routers
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LED Psychedelic Lights

LED Psychedelic Lights,PIC LED psychedelic lightc System
This project aim is to reproduce the old style psychedelic lights system that was very popular in the 70s. Being in the "digital era", the technical solutions adopted are quite different from what was characterizing their predecessor system. Old style lamps have been replaced by three high power LEDs; all filters, previously implemented with analog components, have been realized with digital processing techniques; input stages have been replaced by one A/D converter and one digitally controlled variable amplifier, that is able to warranty the best signal amplitude for the system.

The project requirements are related to technologies adopted: high power LEDs need to be driven with a constant current; digital filters need a fast DSP engine, to be implemented, and an A/D converter is required to transform an audio signal in a numerical representation. Control data communications between central processing unit and external analog components require to have an SPI on board and, last but not least, the capability to link the system with a PC could be very useful for firmware debugging and for tuning some parameters in real time without needing expensive developing tools. The project is designed by Marco Signorini.

PIC Serial Port Servo Controller

PIC Serial Port Servo Controller
The PIC Based servo controller is a small project that allow you to control some robotics. The project uses a PIC16F84 microcontroller from Microchip to drive servo motors and digital outputs. It receives commands from a host computer via a standard RS232 serial interface.

To control the servos and outputs we need to send commands to the PIC. Some of the commands are single byte commands; some however require two bytes. The first byte always contains the command and the channel to which the command applies. We will call this the 'Command' byte. The second byte (when needed) will contain data for the command; we will call this the 'Data' byte and is used when we need to set the servo offset or position for example, said Ashley Roll, the designer.

The command byte is split into two nibbles (4 bits), the upper one defines the command to execute and the lower defines the channel (which servo or digital output) is to be affected.

download : PIC program | Schematic

AVR Radio Frequency Keypad

Radio Frequency KeyPad
The AVR based RF Keypad is remote controller that emits an RF code every time you digit the correct combination on its keyboard. You can use this project to replaces remote controls based on MM53200, UM3750 and UM86409. There are three different combinations for three different actions can be entered at program-time. The keyboard layout also customizable. You can use any matrix up to 4 rows by 4 columns keyboard layout and assigning your own ASCII codes to each key.

Besides emits RF, you can use it as serial keyboard to PC (requires a polarity inversion) or Basic Stamps by drop off the RF part. Keypresses are available as ASCII codes at pin 3. AVR RF Keypad is designed by Alberto Ricci Bitti.

Download : Schematic and Hex File

How to Enable Multimedia Support (MP3, Mpeg4, Divx, 3gp, avi) in Fedora 13

How to Enable Multimedia support in Fedora 13

By default fedora will not support MP3, AVI, Divx, 3gp, Mpeg4 etc.

Simply you can add this features in Fedora 13

Open a terminal and become root or Login as root user, then run this command:

# rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm
# rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-stable.noarch.rpm

Install all other plug-ins

# yum -y install gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-ugly xine-lib-extras-nonfree gstreamer-ffmpeg

After successful installation you can rum MP3 files

You can install Popular Media VCD/DVD Player with MPEG, QuickTime, AVI, and DVDs Support by using the following command

# yum install xine xine-lib libdvdcss

Doing this will also install a number of support libraries, including the libdvdcss plugin

Install Popular VLC Player in Fedora 13 by using the following
# rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm
# yum -y install vlc

Try the following for install xmms and make it MP3-capable

# yum install xmms xmms-mp3

Electronic Church Bell Controller based on Microcontroller AVR

Electronic Church Bell Controller based on Microcontroller AVRThis circuit designed by Antonis Pontikakis. It's used ATmega32 microcontroller as the main part. At the circuit, there are 2 24LC32 eeprom memories, the 1st for internal standard melodies and the 2nd one is for user's compositions.
As control, he created a menu that will be appeared on 4x20 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). For browsing the menu there are 6 buttons in front of circuit's box (Menu, Up, Down, Enter, Start, Stop). All firmware only use 19 Kbytes flash memory of ATmega32 microcontroller writen in C compiled used Code Vision AVR compiler. If you need for more information don't be hesitate to send him an email.

Firefly simulator on microcontroller avr

Firefly simulator on microcontroller avrThe goal of this project was to build a LED-based device running on a microcontroller chip to mimic how fireflies might theoretically synchronize their flashing in nature. The device serves as a future model on how to implement a physical form of networking using a microcontroller chip.

To implement these goals, they created a 2D matrix of 8 "fireflies". Each firefly is represented by a node in the 2D grid, and a connection between any 2 nodes is represented by a pair of 2 LEDS: an "emmiter LED" and a "sensor LED". The fireflies are able to concurrently communicate and sense the signals emanating from surrounding fireflies using a form of one-directional LED communication. Each firefly is equipped with a fixed number of emitter LEDs and a fixed number of sensor LEDS, depending on the position of the LED within the matrix. For simplicity, we assumed that the fireflies’ positioned were fixed in time, i.e. they were not able to travel. Each firefly is equipped with an individual (i.e. independent) "brain" in the microcontroller code that processes the signals that it has sensed and tries to synchronize its own flashing with these surrounding fireflies. Like in any real world situation, each firefly flashes with a random frequency and phases and it adjusts these flashing parameters to conform to the overall flashing of the localized population.

A playable game of Tabletop Pong

Tabletop Pong - 92
When you're playing it, it feels like the video game representation of some real-life sport. You're bouncing a ball back and forth with another player, which at first glance sounds a lot like like table tennis, AKA ping pong-- and that would seem to explain the name. And yet, PONG is two-dimensional and free of gravity. The ball goes in a straight line, at a fairly constant rate of travel. And you don't play ping pong by rotating a wheel. Come to think of it, it's not a darned thing like ping pong. So what the heck is it?

Coming back to our main question now, what is PONG supposed to represent?

Our answer to this question is a game somewhere between pinball and ping pong: Two players each have a single knob that controls the position of a paddle along a short track. Using the paddles, they bounce the ball back and forth and try not to miss the ball, lest the other player score a point. The paddle surfaces are curved, so that the ball reflects in different directions depending on the position of impact. The paddles are powered, so that the ball keeps a fairly constant velocity between the two sides, and the speed gradually increases as the game is played. The playfield is level and has a dotted line down the middle, and the scores are displayed on either side of that line. There are top and bottom walls of the playfield that the ball can bounce off of. Sounds possible, right? So we built it.