New AVR Microcontroller for Smart Card Reader Applications

AVR Microcontroller for Smart Card Reader
Atmel introduce its new AVR microcontroller designed for smart card reader applications. Based on the AVR 8-/16-bit RISC core allowing single cycle instruction execution, the AT90SCR100 embeds 4 Kbytes of EEPROM for data, 4 Kbytes of SRAM and 64 Kbytes of programmable FLASH providing all the flexibility required for fast software upgrade and customization reducing significantly time to market and development costs both during development phase and product life.

The AT90SCR100 offers a comprehensive set of interfaces such as ISO7816 (Class A,B,C supported), USB full Speed 2.0 device and host, USART and TWI to address any applications that interface to synchronous, asynchronous and USB smart cards. In addition, a SPI serial interface plus a dedicated High Speed SPI interface (up to 20Mbps at 20MHz) have been implemented. Respectively combined with an RF front end and/or with a fingerprint sensor, the AT90SCR100 is ideally suited to contactless and/or Biometric reader applications. With its 38 GPIOs in its high pin count configuration (64 pin package), it can also address all USB Keyboards integrating the smart card reader functionality.

Availability and Pricing
Samples for the AT90SCR100 are available now. Packages are available in 32-pin QFN, 64-pin QFN and 64-pin QFP. Volume production will start in May 2009. Prices start at US$ 3.00 for the 64 pin count version and at US$ 1.90 for the 32 pin package in 10,000 quantities.

related search : news, atmel, microcontroller, smart card reader, avr (src)

LCD2USB : Connect LCD to PC via USB

LCD2USB : Connect LCD to PC via USB
LCD2USB is a open source/open hardware project created by Till Harbaum. The goal of LCD2USB is to connect HD44780 based text LCD displays to various PCs via USB. LCD2USB was meant to be cheap and to be made of easily available parts. It is therefore based on the Atmel AVR Mega8 CPU and does not require any difficult to obtain parts like separate USB controllers and the like. The total cost (without display and pcb) are about 5 to 10 Euros. LCD2USB currently comes with a simple demo application that works under Linux, MacOS X and Windows.

Download : Schematic, Souce Code

tags : LCD, USB, AVR, Microcontroller, Interfacing (src)

MC9S08GT60 Virtual Interactive Boxing

Microcontroller Project - Virtual Interactive Boxing
The creative Virtual Interactive Boxing system makes shadow boxing more interesting by providing a virtual opponent with whom to spar. Designed around an MC9S08GT60 microcontroller and an MC13192 RF transmitter, the system monitors the user’s performance. Enhancements include digitized audio and speech that provide motivational cues and feedback about the user’s performance to help him improve his technique.

Download :
Download Project | View Abstract

Tags : MC9S08GT60 microcontroller, MC13192 RF transmitter, Microcontroller Project

Electronic Tools : Weller WLC100 Soldering Station

Weller WLC100 Soldering Station
Soldering Iron is a must have tool for electronic engineer or Hobbyist. Choosing good soldering iron can make your electronic project designing process faster and have good result in circuit connection.

The Weller WLC100 Soldering Station includes everything you need to start using solder to join metals and create efficient, electrical connections. Designed with the hobbyist and the do-it-yourself enthusiast in mind, this kit features a high-quality, lightweight pencil iron with variable power control, a cushioned foam grip with a replaceable heating element, and a safety guard iron holder. And it’s from Weller, the world leader in soldering since 1945.


ATMEL Launching new microcontroller AVR Family : AVR XMEGA

"The new AVR XMEGA™ family from Atmel brings 8/16-bit microcontrollers up to a new level of system performance. Increased focus on system performance is important because more and more 8/16-bit microcontroller families do not meet today’s requirements. Requirements for higher embedded performance combined with reduced cost, size and power consumption mandate new microcontrollers designed especially to combine and offer all these requirements in the best possible way. With AVR XMEGA Atmel is the reference for 8/16-bit microcontrollers."

AVR XMEGA devices include:
  • 2nd generation of picoPower technology
  • Innovative Event System for fast, CPU independent inter-peripheral communication
  • 4-channel DMA Controller boosts MCU performance
  • 100% predictable timing
  • Fast 12-bit ADC and DAC
  • Fast Cryptography support for AES and DES
For detail click here

PS to USB Joystick Converter

PS to USB Joystick Converter
If you have PS 1 or PS 2 joystick and you want use it for USB. Well this microcontroller project could resolve your problem now. PS2USB converts two Playstation 1 or Playstation 2 converter into usb josysticks. It also features the Dance Pad Code (Up+START+SELECT), so that it can be used in DDR games (tested with Stepmania). Works under Linux, Mac OSX, Windows.
note : no picture for the project, i just replace it with analog PS 1 joystick
Download :
source code and schematic

search term : PS to USB, Converter, Microcontroller Project (src)

RF and IR Remote Control

PIC remote control IR and RF
This PIC based remote control allow you to control up to 8 devices by this easy constructable remote control. The project very flexible you can use it as radio remote control or infrared remote control, depending on the components. Each device output can be configured to be momentary (turned on while you press the button) or latched. Latched outputs can be toggled on/off by one button per channel, or turned on and off by two buttons per channel.

tag : IR remote control, RF remote control, wireless project control

RF remote control using microcontroller AVR

Using remote control make our work more easier. like turn off Air conditioner, change channel TV, play your home theater and more. There are many type of remote control like Infrared, Radio Frequency, SMS and more. To control device behind the wall like garage door you can only use Radio Frequency remote control. Because the other can not bypass the wall.

Here is RF Remote control using microcontroller created by serasidis. There are two part in this electronic project : transmitter and receiver. The transmitter is constituted by AT90S2323 microcontroller and TLP434 RF transmitter module at 418MHz. the transmitter designed for battery economy use and safe transmition of the data. The receiver constituted by RF receiver module RLP434A at 418MHz, the microcontroller AT90S2313 and the 2 relays with can handle any electric (or electronic) device up to 10 Amps (the contacts of my relays are 10Amp at 250Volts).For antenna you can use a cable 30 - 35cm long.

Download here for documentation, firmware, source code and schematic.

MAX3420 - USB Peripheral Controller

MAX3420 - USB Peripheral Controller
The MAX3420 provides a very simple approach to adding a USB interface to a circuit. It uses a SPI bus to connect to your system. It does require a reasonable amount of configuration and control, so you'll need to connect it to some form of microprocessor/microcontroller.

Download : PCB and Circuit in Eagle

related search : Digital Electronic Project, USB Controller (src)

Burning the Bootloader without external AVR-Writer

Burning the Bootloader without external AVR-Writer
When we burn the bootloader of Arduino Diecimila, we connected external AVR-Writer to ICSP of Diecimila. But Kimio found the method to burn the bootloader by Diecimila itself without external AVR-writer. It is able to do by FT232RL BitBang Mode AVR-Writer software. And, this method is usable in Arduino NG and Arduino Duemilanove too.

tags : Arduino Diecimila, AVR, Digital Electronic (src)

Microcontroller based Photoplotter

Microcontroller Project - Photoplotter
A photoplotter is a printing device that exposes light to a photo sensitive film to produce output. The film is then developed like traditional photos to get the result. There are 2 types of photoplotter, vector type and raster type. Vector plotters move the exposure light anywhere in 2D space to create the image. Need a line from point A to B? No problem, just move from A to B. These are similar to old style pen plotters. Raster plotters, are more like a dot matrix printer, sending out one line of dots, then moving to the next to create an image.

related search :
Elelctronic circuit, Photo plotter, Microcontroller project (src)

The Ethernet Shield For Arduino

Arduino project Ethernet Shield For Arduino
Here is an ethernet shield for Arduino. This module gives Arduino the ability to open connections to other Internet hosts or behave like a server, for example a simple web server. The design uses the w5100 chip from WizNet that implements the whole IP stack in itself providing up to 4 sockets simultaneously.

Download : Documentation and guide
related search : Arduino project, ethernet shield, electroonic project (src)

LED Fader Project

Microcontroller - LED Fader Project
If you like make a LED project? LED Fader 2 could be interesting electronic project to build up. LED Fader 2 is a program that can control up to 16 outputs for driving LED's. All 16 outputs are pulse width modulated, giving 256 levels of brightness at a refresh rate of 100 Hz. A script language, designed for controlling the outputs, is provided as well. The program is written in AVR assembler for the AT Mega8 and Mega16 microcontrollers.

Download :
Source Code and Documentation

tag : LED, AVR Microcontroller Project (src)

Hummer RC Truck, AT90S8535

Hummer RC Truck
For our final project, we decided to enhance the controls of a Hummer RC truck. Our main objective was to demonstrate that an Atmel microcontroller together with basic hardware building blocks can replace all of the car’s original circuitry. Improving the RC truck’s handling involved adding analog control over steering and speed.

The original construction of the car hindered this idea and forced us to resort to some mechanical engineering (mounting a servo) to resolve the problem! Overall, the project was a great deal of fun and involved a lot of tinkering with hardware (including dangerous flirtations with nearly exploding power transistors!)

Link : Hummer RC Truck, AT90S8535