AVR Shark Tag Project

microcontroller project animal tag
The goal of this project was to develop a shark tag working bench-top microcontroller platform. It is to be used for on-animal, in-situ data logging applications involving sharks and potentially other large pelagic.

The project used the Atmel Mega32 microcontroller to develop the core platform and functionality of a data archival tag. The project use temperature and pressure as sensor variable. The tasks ranged from logging sensor data to developing a simple user interface that requires only the addition of a laptop and a custom RS232 serial cable in the field.

It used an off-the-shelf SD (Secure Digital) card using flash memory for large capacity multi-read/write data storage. The microcontroller’s ADCs (analog to digital converters) were used to convert analog voltages produced by select sensors into digital format.

Tag: Animal Tag, shark, data logging, avr project src

AVR Shark Tag Project

microcontroller project animal tag
The goal of this project was to develop a shark tag working bench-top microcontroller platform. It is to be used for on-animal, in-situ data logging applications involving sharks and potentially other large pelagic.

The project used the Atmel Mega32 microcontroller to develop the core platform and functionality of a data archival tag. The project use temperature and pressure as sensor variable. The tasks ranged from logging sensor data to developing a simple user interface that requires only the addition of a laptop and a custom RS232 serial cable in the field.

It used an off-the-shelf SD (Secure Digital) card using flash memory for large capacity multi-read/write data storage. The microcontroller’s ADCs (analog to digital converters) were used to convert analog voltages produced by select sensors into digital format.

Tag: Animal Tag, shark, data logging, avr project src

AVR Shark Tag Project

microcontroller project animal tag
The goal of this project was to develop a shark tag working bench-top microcontroller platform. It is to be used for on-animal, in-situ data logging applications involving sharks and potentially other large pelagic.

The project used the Atmel Mega32 microcontroller to develop the core platform and functionality of a data archival tag. The project use temperature and pressure as sensor variable. The tasks ranged from logging sensor data to developing a simple user interface that requires only the addition of a laptop and a custom RS232 serial cable in the field.

It used an off-the-shelf SD (Secure Digital) card using flash memory for large capacity multi-read/write data storage. The microcontroller’s ADCs (analog to digital converters) were used to convert analog voltages produced by select sensors into digital format.

Tag: Animal Tag, shark, data logging, avr project src

Basic Electronic Lecture Vedio

Active Diode Circuits Lecture Vedio

Oscillatiors Lecture Vedio

Logarthmic and Anti-Logarthmic Amplifer Lecture Vedio

Filters Lecture Vedio

Unit Junction Transistor Lecture Vedio

Howto Change Mysql root Password and Users password

Some users want to change their mysql root password and users password.

To setup root password for mysql in first time, use the following command :

$ mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD

If you want to change existing root password, then use following command

$ mysqladmin -u root -p oldpassword newpassword

For Changing MySQL user password

eg: for changing password for user panayara

$ mysqladmin -u panayara -p oldpassword newpass

Howto Change Mysql root Password and Users password

Some users want to change their mysql root password and users password.

To setup root password for mysql in first time, use the following command :

$ mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD

If you want to change existing root password, then use following command

$ mysqladmin -u root -p oldpassword newpassword

For Changing MySQL user password

eg: for changing password for user panayara

$ mysqladmin -u panayara -p oldpassword newpass

New Linux Drivers from Nvidia Released

Nvidia launches two new drivers: one stable and one beta. The stable version is version 185.18.36, and beta version 190.25.

Download Nvidia Driver For Linux ver 185.18.36 from here

Download Nvidia Driver For Linux ver 190.25 from here

New Linux Drivers from Nvidia Released

Nvidia launches two new drivers: one stable and one beta. The stable version is version 185.18.36, and beta version 190.25.

Download Nvidia Driver For Linux ver 185.18.36 from here

Download Nvidia Driver For Linux ver 190.25 from here

Manchester Encourages Green Bus Drivers!


First Bus Group has recently announced the implementation of a bonus policy called DriveGreen for drivers of all 784 of its buses in Greater Manchester. Apparently this scheme could see each driver saving up to 500 litres of petrol per annum, and save First over £44,000 and 132,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide in the first year alone. Schemes like this really show that by making small changes you soon make a significant impact in terms of carbon production. Perhaps they might also consider adding to their bonus criteria careful driving in conjunction with cyclists... savings on limbs and lives might also help reduce carbon (not to mention the zero-carbon impact which cycling provides!)

Onwards & upwards!


100W Bulbs Banned By EU


Hurray! At long last...

This might have slipped under the radar but just so you are aware effective from the 1st of September this year, it will be illegal to import 100W incandescant pearl or frosted bulbs into the EU. The aim of this legislation is to encourage the use of long life energy saving bulbs, which use only one fifth of the energy of an incandescant bulb, and can last up to seven years before they need replacing.

Whilst some people are lamenting the loss of the incandescant bulb, I am so glad to see that the EU is taking positive steps to reduce the amount of energy being used unnecessarily across Europe.

Ever lighter footprinting!


Howto Install wammu : Mobile phone Manager for Ubuntu / Debian Linux

I know everybody is looking for a mobile phone manager for Linux. text based gammu is there, but it is not user friendly . wammu is a graphical front end for gammu.

Using wammu you can read/edit/delete/copy your contacts, todo, calendar you can read/create/save/send and backup your sms. some type of phone supports file sending, display message including pictures and ringtones playback. Support for backup and import in various formats (vCard, vCalendar, iCalendar, gammu own backup,...) . Export messages to mail (IMAP4, maildir and mailbox storages are supported). Searching for phone, translated into several languages, rated as best on many software servers

wammu is in development stage, It supports Sony Ericsson phones, Motorola Phones, some models of Nokia, Siemens, Alcatel.

Howto install wammu in ubuntu /debian

$ sudo apt-get install wammu (or use synaptic package manager )

Howto Install wammu : Mobile phone Manager for Ubuntu / Debian Linux

I know everybody is looking for a mobile phone manager for Linux. text based gammu is there, but it is not user friendly . wammu is a graphical front end for gammu.

Using wammu you can read/edit/delete/copy your contacts, todo, calendar you can read/create/save/send and backup your sms. some type of phone supports file sending, display message including pictures and ringtones playback. Support for backup and import in various formats (vCard, vCalendar, iCalendar, gammu own backup,...) . Export messages to mail (IMAP4, maildir and mailbox storages are supported). Searching for phone, translated into several languages, rated as best on many software servers

wammu is in development stage, It supports Sony Ericsson phones, Motorola Phones, some models of Nokia, Siemens, Alcatel.

Howto install wammu in ubuntu /debian

$ sudo apt-get install wammu (or use synaptic package manager )

Bentley - Somewhat Missing The Point?


I was initially encouraged to see that car manufacturer Bentley of all people were making an eco-car, the Bentley Continental Supersports 'Extreme'. Bentley have always been associated with the manufacture of large cars with even bigger engines and so this seemed to be an interesting change of direction for them. (For more information about Bentley's biofuels policy and research see here)

However I am sorry to report that whilst the 'Extreme' runs on a hybrid 85% bioethanol fuel, it is still a 630hp two seat sports car which only does 11.5mpg and emits 388g of carbon dioxode per kilometre. Whilst the 'Extreme' does show a significant improvement upon its counterparts, I just can't see how this type of car is still viable or even, dare I say it, legal in this day and age?

Onwards & upwards!


Control Your Network Traffic with Wondershaper in Linux

If you are a Network Administrator with little knowledge in Network Protocols and IPtables, don't worry you can also controll your network traffic with a simple tool named wondershaper.

sudo apt-get install wondershaper

official site : http://lartc.org/wondershaper/

Readme files in /usr/share/doc/wondershaper

$ifconfig this will help you to find the network interface (eth0, eth1 or wifi0 etc..)

$sudo wondershaper eth0 downspeed upspeed
eg: sudo wonderspeed 128 64

To Disable this settings

$sudo wondershaper clear eth0

make these connection settings permanent by editing /etc/network/interfaces file :

$ sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces and add the following lines

up /sbin/wondershaper eth0 downspeed upspeed
down /sbin/wondershaper clear eth0

Control Your Network Traffic with Wondershaper in Linux

If you are a Network Administrator with little knowledge in Network Protocols and IPtables, don't worry you can also controll your network traffic with a simple tool named wondershaper.

sudo apt-get install wondershaper

official site : http://lartc.org/wondershaper/

Readme files in /usr/share/doc/wondershaper

$ifconfig this will help you to find the network interface (eth0, eth1 or wifi0 etc..)

$sudo wondershaper eth0 downspeed upspeed
eg: sudo wonderspeed 128 64

To Disable this settings

$sudo wondershaper clear eth0

make these connection settings permanent by editing /etc/network/interfaces file :

$ sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces and add the following lines

up /sbin/wondershaper eth0 downspeed upspeed
down /sbin/wondershaper clear eth0

Howto Install PHP6 in ubuntu / Debian Linux

The full stable version of PHP6 is not yet released. But pre-built package is available. Early birds can start now. You can install a development snapshot of PHP 6 and preview it for its features and you can check your old scripts ( PHP 6 have some backwards-compatibility issues), so check your existing codes.

Howto Install PHP6 in Ubuntu / debian linux.

First you have to install GCC and GNU make utility

$sudo apt-get install build-essential
Now PHP6 installation needs some additional libraries

  • Apache development headers, such as apache-prefork-dev
  • International Component for Unicode (ICU) library, libicu-dev
  • The XML2 development headers, libxml2-de etc
You can install the above using
$ sudo apt-get install apache-prefork-dev libicu-dev libxml2-dev

Now you can download latest PHP6 package from here http://snaps.php.net/

$ tar -xzvf php6.0-xxxxxx.tar.gz

Now Change directory to the new directory made by tar and start configuration
$ cd php6.0-xxxxxx
$ sudo ./configure --exec-prefix=/usr
$ sudo make
$ sudo make test
$ sudo make install

Howto Install PHP6 in ubuntu / Debian Linux

The full stable version of PHP6 is not yet released. But pre-built package is available. Early birds can start now. You can install a development snapshot of PHP 6 and preview it for its features and you can check your old scripts ( PHP 6 have some backwards-compatibility issues), so check your existing codes.

Howto Install PHP6 in Ubuntu / debian linux.

First you have to install GCC and GNU make utility

$sudo apt-get install build-essential
Now PHP6 installation needs some additional libraries

  • Apache development headers, such as apache-prefork-dev
  • International Component for Unicode (ICU) library, libicu-dev
  • The XML2 development headers, libxml2-de etc
You can install the above using
$ sudo apt-get install apache-prefork-dev libicu-dev libxml2-dev

Now you can download latest PHP6 package from here http://snaps.php.net/

$ tar -xzvf php6.0-xxxxxx.tar.gz

Now Change directory to the new directory made by tar and start configuration
$ cd php6.0-xxxxxx
$ sudo ./configure --exec-prefix=/usr
$ sudo make
$ sudo make test
$ sudo make install

40 Beautiful Linux Wallpapers

40 Beautiful Linux Wallpapers for download
Download from Here

40 Beautiful Linux Wallpapers

40 Beautiful Linux Wallpapers for download
Download from Here

Useful Wireless Networking Connection Commands - Ubuntu/Debian Linux

Here I am trying to explain some useful Linux commands for wireless networking

iwlist scan
- shows wireless networks that are available in the area with basic encryption information
lshw -C network - Shows Details of Interface card and drivers of each networking device

lspci -nn - Shows PCI vendor and device codes as both numbers and names of hardware connected to the pci bus
lsusb - Shows USB connected hardware
lshw -C usb - Additional info on USB related hardware (good for USB dongles)

route -n - Lists kernel IP routing table — Good for troubleshooting problems with the gateway

sudo route add default gw - Example of how to set the default gateway to

sudo route del default gw - Example of how to delete the default gateway setting

sudo modprobe ***** - Loads the kernel module **** . (Example usage - sudo modprobe ndiswrapper, sudo modprobe r818x, sudo modprobe ath_pci)

sudo modprobe -r **** - Unloades the kernel module ****. (Example usage - sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper)

ifconfig - lists IP address

sudo ifup/ifdown - Brings up/down the interface and clears the routing table for the specified interface

sudo ifconfig up/down - Brings up/down the interface for the specified interface

sudo dhclient - Request IP address from DNS server for specified interface

sudo dhclient -r - Release IP address associated with specified interface

sudo iptables -L - Lists firewall rules

sudo iptables -F - Flush all firewall rules

dmesg | more - Lists boot log — good for troubleshooting problems with modules/drivers not being loaded

uname -r - Displays kernel version

/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules - File which assigns logical names (eth0, wlan0, etc) to MAC addresses

cat /etc/resolv.conf - Lists DNS servers associated with network connections (Network Manager)

/etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf - File which sets or modifies dns (domain name servers) settings

Useful Wireless Networking Connection Commands - Ubuntu/Debian Linux

Here I am trying to explain some useful Linux commands for wireless networking

iwlist scan
- shows wireless networks that are available in the area with basic encryption information
lshw -C network - Shows Details of Interface card and drivers of each networking device

lspci -nn - Shows PCI vendor and device codes as both numbers and names of hardware connected to the pci bus
lsusb - Shows USB connected hardware
lshw -C usb - Additional info on USB related hardware (good for USB dongles)

route -n - Lists kernel IP routing table — Good for troubleshooting problems with the gateway

sudo route add default gw - Example of how to set the default gateway to

sudo route del default gw - Example of how to delete the default gateway setting

sudo modprobe ***** - Loads the kernel module **** . (Example usage - sudo modprobe ndiswrapper, sudo modprobe r818x, sudo modprobe ath_pci)

sudo modprobe -r **** - Unloades the kernel module ****. (Example usage - sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper)

ifconfig - lists IP address

sudo ifup/ifdown - Brings up/down the interface and clears the routing table for the specified interface

sudo ifconfig up/down - Brings up/down the interface for the specified interface

sudo dhclient - Request IP address from DNS server for specified interface

sudo dhclient -r - Release IP address associated with specified interface

sudo iptables -L - Lists firewall rules

sudo iptables -F - Flush all firewall rules

dmesg | more - Lists boot log — good for troubleshooting problems with modules/drivers not being loaded

uname -r - Displays kernel version

/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules - File which assigns logical names (eth0, wlan0, etc) to MAC addresses

cat /etc/resolv.conf - Lists DNS servers associated with network connections (Network Manager)

/etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf - File which sets or modifies dns (domain name servers) settings

Airmiles Strikes Again!


I've discovered another moment of genius from the people at Airmiles, they are now rolling out a mobile phone recycling scheme which allows consumers to receive airmiles in return for unwanted mobile phones, not only that but they have the gall to suggest that this scheme is 'environmentally friendly' because your phone is recycled or reused in line with the WEEE directive! This completely green washes over the fact that you will be collecting credits towards air travel through the scheme, completely undermining the benefits gained by recycling the phone in the first place.

Working from these figures, the average phone requires emission of 60kg of CO2 to be manufactured. Sending your phone to be recycled means that you offset a total of 35 miles of air travel (assuming you are travelling long haul) after which you will be contributing a minimum of 0.17Kg CO2 per mile. As most long haul flights are a minimum of 6.5 hours in duration, you could be travelling as far as 550 miles, thus contributing an additional 85Kg of CO2 to the atmosphere.

It always pays dividends to look at the detail in more depth and think about the true environmental benefit of such schemes; in this case there are plenty of businesses out there which recycle mobile phones without trying to bribe you with air travel.

Onwards & upwards!


UpdateProgress is not working with AssociatedUpdatePanelID

Somebody found the UpdateProgress isn't working if it sets the property "AssociatedUpdatePanelID". Actually, when the Trigger control is outside UpdatePanel, and AssociatedUpdatePanelID of UpdateProgress is pointing to this UpdatePanel, the UpdateProgress won't be working.In the following sample, UpdateProgress AssociatedUpdatePanelID is pointing to UpdatePanel1, and Button1 which is the trigger control is outside UpdatePanel1. When you click the Button1, UpdateProgress will not be working.

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
<asp:UpdateProgress ID="UpdateProgress1" runat="server" AssociatedUpdatePanelID="UpdatePanel1">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" ChildrenAsTriggers="false" UpdateMode="Conditional">
Current Time <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label><br />
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="Button1" EventName="Click" />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" onclick="Button1_Click" />

If Button1 is inside UpdatePanel1, the value of postBackSettings.PanelID will be generated to "UpdatePanel1Button1". AssociatedUpdatePanelID will be checked with postBackSettings.PanelID. If they are equel, UpdateProgress will be displayed.If Button1 is outside UpdatePanel1,the value of postBackSettings.PanelID will be generated to "ScriptManager1Button1". AssociatedUpdatePanelID is not matched with it, so it can't pop out UpdateProgress.In this case, we have to show UpdateProgress manually when the value of get_postBackElement.id is button1.


Howto Read CHM (compiled HTML) file in Ubuntu / debian Linux

Lot of documentations and e-books are now available in chm format. There is lot of tools are available in Linux for reading chm books. xchm, chmsee, KchmViewer , gnochm and archmage .

all of the above utilities are available ubuntu repositories

open a terminal
$ apt-get install xchm
(same way you can install chmsee, Kchmviewer, gnochm and archmage)

or use synaptic package manager for installing

Howto Read CHM (compiled HTML) file in Ubuntu / debian Linux

Lot of documentations and e-books are now available in chm format. There is lot of tools are available in Linux for reading chm books. xchm, chmsee, KchmViewer , gnochm and archmage .

all of the above utilities are available ubuntu repositories

open a terminal
$ apt-get install xchm
(same way you can install chmsee, Kchmviewer, gnochm and archmage)

or use synaptic package manager for installing

EMERGE - Recycling In Manchester


I realised the other day that I've been running this blog for well over 6 months now but I've not explained in any depth to you who and what EMERGE is/are and what we do.

EMERGE was set up as a voluntary organisation in 1996 by myself and a group of like-minded individuals, the objectives of which were to help bolster the local economy of Openshaw, engage the wider community in thinking and doing more about sustainable resource management and thereby act as a catalyst to get businesses and households recycling.

We registered the company as limited by guarantee (effectively a not-for-individual-profit basis) in May 1998 and ran on a new business support plus a Princes Youth Business Trust grant and loan but it wasn't until 1999 that we actually employed our first full-time member of staff. EMERGE now collects from over 700 businesses, 125 schools and 7000 households in the Greater Manchester area. We employ 30 local staff from our HQ in Openshaw and recycle a comprehensive range of materials including most dry recyclates and some hazardous waste.

Have a look at the history page on our website for more information about how we have developed since the outset. I'd like to believe that many of the people who work at EMERGE aren't only here because they need to earn a crust, but because they genuinely believe that through high quality recycling services, environmental education and positive engagement we can make a genuine difference to conserving resources and protecting our precious planet now and in the future. Sounds idealistic? Maybe, but I'd say we need more idealism, optimism matched with tenacity in order to sort out the mess we are making!

I've been grafting on some red tape recently and hopefully I should have something quite interesting to tell you about EMERGE soon, we're keeping it under wraps for now but it will definitely put us into a unique position in the recycling industry!

I'll keep you posted, watch this space!

Onwards & upwards!


AVR Rotating Led Display

Cool POV project : AVR Rotating Led Display

If you like Rotating LED Display project, check out Rotating Led Display project by Aki Korhonen. He made POV project using modified 8 cm fan and microcontroller AVR AT mega as main part. To control the led, the project use 74HC595D shift registers. Not only can display the text this Rotating Led display can also demonstrate drawing and playable Pong game. Check the video below,

tag: POV led display, rotating display, LED animation, AVR project (src)

AVR Rotating Led Display

Cool POV project : AVR Rotating Led Display

If you like Rotating LED Display project, check out Rotating Led Display project by Aki Korhonen. He made POV project using modified 8 cm fan and microcontroller AVR AT mega as main part. To control the led, the project use 74HC595D shift registers. Not only can display the text this Rotating Led display can also demonstrate drawing and playable Pong game. Check the video below,

tag: POV led display, rotating display, LED animation, AVR project (src)