Build the client-side contentChanged event of HTML Editor -- hook keypress client event of Editor content

In this time, let us talk about HTML Editor. We can see HTML Editor has three modes: Design, HTML Text and Preview mode.
Design mode is in an IFrame actually. HTML Text is prensented in a TextArea and Preview mode is in another Iframe. The code rendered about these three modes is as below.

Design mode:

<iframe id="editor1_ctl02_ctl00" name="editor1_ctl02_ctl00" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" src="javascript:false;" style="height:100%;width:100%;display:none;border-width:0px;">

HTML Text mode:

<textarea id="editor1_ctl02_ctl01" class="ajax__htmleditor_htmlpanel_default" style="height:100%;width:100%;display:none;">

Preview mode:

<iframe id="editor1_ctl02_ctl02" name="editor1_ctl02_ctl02" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" src="javascript:false;" style="height:100%;width:100%;display:none;border-width:0px;">

In design mode, we can use the following JavaScript to append a callback function in onKeypress event so that we can do somthing when content is changed on client.

<script type="text/javascript">
        var count = 0;
        function pageLoad() {
            $get('editor1_ctl02_ctl00').contentWindow.document.body.onkeypress = function() {
                $get('cc').innerHTML = "you input " + count + "charactors";        



As the same way, you can append another keypress event on TextArea and Preview IFrame.

If you'd like to do something on server-side when you typed in content of Editor, you can call Web Service to achieve it.

AjaxControlToolkit ComboBox not appearing in ModalPopup

Most of us is enjoying ComboBox presenting, except it is inside ModalPopup.
When we use ComboBox in ModalPopup, it throws the client error and only thing in our sight is a bald TextBox instead of entire ComboBox in ModalPopup Panel. After debugging, we can find the error message is pointing to this line b.width=c+"px".
Actually, the ModalPopup behavior mix it up. So the only thing we need to do is
1. Put the ModalPopupExtender behind the Panel which contains ComboBox.
2. Set style "display" to "block"(default value if you don't set the value of it).

Check the sample as below:

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:Panel ID="panel" runat="server" >
<cc1:ComboBox ID="ComboBox1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" DropDownStyle="DropDown">
<asp:ListItem Value="0" Text="1" >Text 1</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="1" Text="2">Text 2</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="2" Text="3">Text 3</asp:ListItem>
<cc1:ModalPopupExtender ID="MPE" runat="server" PopupControlID="panel" TargetControlID="LB"> ---Put ModalPopupExtender behind Panel "panel".---
<asp:LinkButton ID="LB" runat="server" Text="clickme">click</asp:LinkButton>

Actually we have the second way to resolve this problem. The issue will be encountered as soon as the parent element of combobox is invisible(style display=none or visibility=hidden). So the simplest approach is we can set it visible after rending and set it back in pageLoad.

Input your modalpopup panel clientID and put the above script after document body and form content.
The same problem in this link:

How to cancel Tab active changing with Validation

Sometimes, when you change the active Tab Panel, you want to do validation and check if it should go to next tabpanel. It will go to the new Tab Panel only if it is meets the validation.
For example, there is a TextBox in TabPanel. If TextBox is empty, I don't want to let it go to another TabPanel.
For this scenario, the validation is based on the client side. The first confirm is we have to use JavaScript to do validation or catch the validation result if you used Validation control. There is a client event "ActiveTabChanged"(add_activeTabChanged method in behavior) of TabContainer you can make use of to do validation in this event. If it is valid, you can let it free to go. Overwise, you need use javascript to let it back to the previous tab. In this way, you need use a client validation to restore the history of the active tab index so that it can remeber which tab panel it can go back to in JavaScript .
But in this approach, it is go through the ActiveChanged client event. It means the active tab has been changed before we call this event. We would see the active tab goes to another one and go back again if it is invalid with validation. It looks too stupid and ugly.

So, I got two approaches to achieve this.

1. We can modify the source code of Tab Panel behavior as below. In _header_onclick method, it calls raiseClick and set the activeTab directly. We can insert an additional code line before setting active tab so that we can do something on validation.

AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel.prototype._header_onclick = function(e) {
if (isValidated()) // add this validation method

It won't go to another tab unless it meets the validation. See the entire code below:

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager runat="Server" EnablePartialRendering="true" ID="ScriptManager1" />
<ajaxToolkit:TabContainer runat="server" ID="TabContainer1">
<ajaxToolkit:TabPanel runat="server" ID="TabPanel1" HeaderText="TabPanel1">
<input type="text" id="text1" />
<ajaxToolkit:TabPanel runat="server" ID="TabPanel2" HeaderText="TabPanel2">

<script type="text/javascript">

AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel.prototype._header_onclick = function(e) {
if (isValidated()) // add this additional code line to do validation


function isValidated() {
if ($get("text1").value == "")
return false;
return true;


2. The above code looks like a workround purely. The directly approach is using ActiveTabChanging client event. In general ASP.Net Ajax behavior model, we can call e.set_cancel(true) to cancel the changing behavior after validation, so we can prevent the active tab changing before ActiveTabChanged called.
Unfortunately, it doesn't contain this event in tab.js. The only public client event is add_activeTabChanged. So what I wanna saying is Let's make an add_activeTabChanging client event in tab.js behavior.

1) Please open tab.js in VS.
2) Please append the following code in AjaxControlToolkit.TabContainer.prototype = {

///<extended for activeTabChanging>
add_activeTabChanging: function(handler) {
this.get_events().addHandler("activeTabChanging", handler);
remove_activeTabChanging: function(handler) {
this.get_events().removeHandler("activeTabChanging", handler);
raiseActiveTabChanging: function(eventArgs) {
var eh = this.get_events().getHandler("activeTabChanging");
if (eh) {
eh(this, eventArgs);


///</extended for activeTabChanging>

3) Please modify set_activeTabIndex method block (The blod font is new code we need to append):

set_activeTabIndex : function(value) {
if (!this.get_isInitialized()) {
this._cachedActiveTabIndex = value;
} else {
///<extended for activeTabChanging>
var eventArgs = new Sys.CancelEventArgs();
if (eventArgs.get_cancel()) {
return false;
///</extended for activeTabChanging>
if (value < -1 value >= this.get_tabs().length) {
throw Error.argumentOutOfRange("value");
if (this._activeTabIndex != -1) {
this._activeTabIndex = value;
if (this._activeTabIndex != -1) {
if (this._loaded) {


return true;

4) Then we can use add_activeTabChanging client event now. As the same HTML sample, you can just call this event on client to cancel the process if it doesn't meet the validation.

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager runat="Server" EnablePartialRendering="true" ID="ScriptManager1" />
<ajaxToolkit:TabContainer runat="server" ID="TabContainer1">
<ajaxToolkit:TabPanel runat="server" ID="TabPanel1" HeaderText="TabPanel1">
<input type="text" id="text1" />
<ajaxToolkit:TabPanel runat="server" ID="TabPanel2" HeaderText="TabPanel2">

<script type="text/javascript">

function pageLoad() {


function aa(se, e) {

if ($get('text1').value == "")


Arduino Digital Thermometer

Arduino Project Digital Thermometer
This Digital Thermometer based on famous Arduino board and LM35DZ as temperature sensor. The sensor component has three pins, +5V, ground and a variable voltage output to indicate the temperature. This simple project wired the sensor output straight to the Arduino's analogue input 0. As display, it use two line LCD (a Displaytech 162B).

Tags : Temperature Measurement, Digital Thermometer, Arduino project src

Arduino Digital Thermometer

Arduino Project Digital Thermometer
This Digital Thermometer based on famous Arduino board and LM35DZ as temperature sensor. The sensor component has three pins, +5V, ground and a variable voltage output to indicate the temperature. This simple project wired the sensor output straight to the Arduino's analogue input 0. As display, it use two line LCD (a Displaytech 162B).

Tags : Temperature Measurement, Digital Thermometer, Arduino project src

Arduino Digital Thermometer

Arduino Project Digital Thermometer
This Digital Thermometer based on famous Arduino board and LM35DZ as temperature sensor. The sensor component has three pins, +5V, ground and a variable voltage output to indicate the temperature. This simple project wired the sensor output straight to the Arduino's analogue input 0. As display, it use two line LCD (a Displaytech 162B).

Tags : Temperature Measurement, Digital Thermometer, Arduino project src

AVR Project Wii Conductor

AVR Project Wii Conductor
This AVR project is a simplified implementation of Wii-Music, utilizing a Nintendo Wii Remote (“Wiimote”) to play a gesture-based music game with the player as a virtual music conductor. The project exploited two of the Wiimote’s features: its wand-like shape and the embedded 3-D accelerometers. By interfacing between Microcontroller AVR ATmega 644 and Wiimote, the project able wirelessly transmit motion gestures and button pushes to the MCU. The MCU uses these inputs to create sound by means of Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS).

Tags: Wii Conductor, Simplified Wii Music, Microcontroller AVR project src

AVR Project Wii Conductor

AVR Project Wii Conductor
This AVR project is a simplified implementation of Wii-Music, utilizing a Nintendo Wii Remote (“Wiimote”) to play a gesture-based music game with the player as a virtual music conductor. The project exploited two of the Wiimote’s features: its wand-like shape and the embedded 3-D accelerometers. By interfacing between Microcontroller AVR ATmega 644 and Wiimote, the project able wirelessly transmit motion gestures and button pushes to the MCU. The MCU uses these inputs to create sound by means of Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS).

Tags: Wii Conductor, Simplified Wii Music, Microcontroller AVR project src

AVR Project Wii Conductor

AVR Project Wii Conductor
This AVR project is a simplified implementation of Wii-Music, utilizing a Nintendo Wii Remote (“Wiimote”) to play a gesture-based music game with the player as a virtual music conductor. The project exploited two of the Wiimote’s features: its wand-like shape and the embedded 3-D accelerometers. By interfacing between Microcontroller AVR ATmega 644 and Wiimote, the project able wirelessly transmit motion gestures and button pushes to the MCU. The MCU uses these inputs to create sound by means of Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS).

Tags: Wii Conductor, Simplified Wii Music, Microcontroller AVR project src

Thank You Manchester! :)


What a busy week I've had! Just about recovered from climbing up Scafell aside from a few niggling aches and a wee chest infection!

Last friday I was invited to the Inspiring Women Awards at the Midland Hotel, Manchester. Following a fabulous 3-course meal accompanied by sparkling wine I was presented with the award for 'Social Entrepreneur' which came as something of a shock especially considering the competition! A big thank you to the event organisers and especially to Kath Robinson who nominated me. It's really fantastic that the work everyone at EMERGE and I have done over the years has received recognition in the wider North West community. Not that we're resting on our laurels by any stretch - we've got big plans for expanding the 3Rs (waste reduction, reuse and recycling) and resource efficiency in Greater Manchester, to continue expanding upon the educational and community work we do and to grow as a social business as well.

I've got a mountain of bids, tenders and partnerships to contend with now but before I wade into it I 'd just like to take this opportunity to thank you so much for your support , we wouldn't make any progress without it .

Onwards & upwards!


new version of AjaxControlToolkit 3.0.30512 and new controls ColorPicker, ComboBox, HTML Editor

Lately, AjaxControlToolkit 3.0.30512 is published. ColorPicker, Combobox and HTML Editor are three new controls appeared in this new version. I'm a support engineer for Microsoft product, especially for Asp.Net Ajax. I got many questions about these three new ajax controls, especially for HTML Editor. I'd like to talk about it with you guys here.

I checked the new version a little, and I found the behavior.js file is no longer composed by only one js file, but it is divided to release.js and debug.js file which is like the architecture of ASP.Net Ajax framework.

ColorPicker and Combobox are simple(I build an client-side ASP.Net combobox at one time. ). But for HTML Editor, it is huge thing to make. It's a kind of WYSIWYG editor in the web page. There has been FCKEditor, TinyMCE, FreeTextBox,RadEditor and FreeRichTextEditor working for this. TinyMCE is the most popular component in it because it is free and easy to extend.

AjaxControlToolkit adopts the Editor by which is the website focuses on ASP.Net Ajax Controls. HTML Editor is a greate thing to work, but we have not enough documents to take as references in AjaxControlToolkit about this control. I got many questions about this control. For instance, how to insert an Image button into TopToolBar; how to override and assign a custom tooltip for one of button in TopToolBar; how about the client API we can use. Actually, we can't get valuable documents from AjaxControlToolkit, but we can access to check about it. However, in Ajaxcontroltoolkit HTML Editor, it has been changed somethings to match the behavior template, although it is coming from -- the method name is changed, property is changed and so on. So what we can do is checking the API or other documents in and looking for the real method/property name in AjaxControlToolkit HTML Editor.debug.js.(The structure is same)

Also, I'll build the AjaxControlToolkit HTML Editor Client API documents or reference in my blog if some body want me to do.

AVR Electronic Combination Lock

AVR project electronic lock

CodeLock AVR is electronic combination lock based on AVR microcontroller AT90S2313 or ATtiny2313. User code is consisted of 1 to 8 digits. If the code is entered in the correct sequence, then after 1 second the relay and the electric striker (in the door) switch on for 1 second and then switch off again. User code can be changed via 3x4 matrix keypad. Program in hex code is 2 kB long.

tag : electronic lock, combination keylock, Avr project src

AVR Electronic Combination Lock

AVR project electronic lock

CodeLock AVR is electronic combination lock based on AVR microcontroller AT90S2313 or ATtiny2313. User code is consisted of 1 to 8 digits. If the code is entered in the correct sequence, then after 1 second the relay and the electric striker (in the door) switch on for 1 second and then switch off again. User code can be changed via 3x4 matrix keypad. Program in hex code is 2 kB long.

tag : electronic lock, combination keylock, Avr project src

AVR Electronic Combination Lock

AVR project electronic lock

CodeLock AVR is electronic combination lock based on AVR microcontroller AT90S2313 or ATtiny2313. User code is consisted of 1 to 8 digits. If the code is entered in the correct sequence, then after 1 second the relay and the electric striker (in the door) switch on for 1 second and then switch off again. User code can be changed via 3x4 matrix keypad. Program in hex code is 2 kB long.

tag : electronic lock, combination keylock, Avr project src

AVR Electronic Lock with Key Generic RFID

AVR Electronic Lock
This is a generic 125KHz RFID tag reader and an electronic contactless lock. The project is based upon microcontroller AVR ATtiny2313 and generic 125KHz RFID. Here is the project work: the code of first tag that is read after chip programming, is stored in the micro Earom (non volatile) and it works as the "key". Every time that tag is read by the circuit, the relay pulses for about 1.5 seconds, a led lights for 3 seconds and the code is sent out on the serial port. Every other tag doesn't pulse the relay, but lights the led and sends its code on the serial port. So, this circuit will be a generic reader or an electronic lock with RFID key. This project designed by Emilio Ficara.

tag : RFID lock, electronic contactless key, AVR project (src)

AVR Electronic Lock with Key Generic RFID

AVR Electronic Lock
This is a generic 125KHz RFID tag reader and an electronic contactless lock. The project is based upon microcontroller AVR ATtiny2313 and generic 125KHz RFID. Here is the project work: the code of first tag that is read after chip programming, is stored in the micro Earom (non volatile) and it works as the "key". Every time that tag is read by the circuit, the relay pulses for about 1.5 seconds, a led lights for 3 seconds and the code is sent out on the serial port. Every other tag doesn't pulse the relay, but lights the led and sends its code on the serial port. So, this circuit will be a generic reader or an electronic lock with RFID key. This project designed by Emilio Ficara.

tag : RFID lock, electronic contactless key, AVR project (src)

AVR Electronic Lock with Key Generic RFID

AVR Electronic Lock
This is a generic 125KHz RFID tag reader and an electronic contactless lock. The project is based upon microcontroller AVR ATtiny2313 and generic 125KHz RFID. Here is the project work: the code of first tag that is read after chip programming, is stored in the micro Earom (non volatile) and it works as the "key". Every time that tag is read by the circuit, the relay pulses for about 1.5 seconds, a led lights for 3 seconds and the code is sent out on the serial port. Every other tag doesn't pulse the relay, but lights the led and sends its code on the serial port. So, this circuit will be a generic reader or an electronic lock with RFID key. This project designed by Emilio Ficara.

tag : RFID lock, electronic contactless key, AVR project (src)

EMERGE Climbs Scafell for Fareshare


I'd like to say a very big thank you and congratulations to everyone who took part in the EMERGE Food Big Green Challenge and also a massive thank you to everyone who so kindly sponsored our efforts. We're still counting up all of the donations but it looks like we have raised a considerable amount of money towards an extremely worthy cause in the form of our Fareshare operation diverting surplus food from landfill and to alleviate food poverty locally.

Here's a picture of most of the team at the summit, looking thoroughly sodden! All nine of us made it in addition to another 40+ participants from our corporate sponsor.

Onwards & upwards!


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LinkButton/Button embedded in a CollapsiblePanel Header - Click Events not fired.

If a LinkButton is in Header of CollapsiblePanel, you will find the onClick of it will not be fired. To resolve this issue, we can set SuppressPostBack="false" for CollapsiblePanel. Then the onClick event will be fired fine. But the new problem is coming -- the CollapsiblePanel is still working, when you click the LinkButton, the onclick event is working and the CollapsiblePanel is still expended.

If we'd like to achieve the LinkButton firing without CollapsiblePanel expending, we have to call some JavaScript to cancel the CollapsiblePanel expending.

<head runat="server">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var togger = 0;
        function pageLoad() {
            $find('CollapsiblePanelBehavior1').add_expanding(function(obj, e) {
                if (togger == 1) {
                    togger = 0;
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager runat="Server" EnablePartialRendering="true" ID="ScriptManager1" />

     <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" style="background-color:#EEEEEE;" Height="30px" >
            <div style="padding:5px; cursor: pointer; vertical-align: middle;">
                <div style="float: left;">check</div>
                <div style="float: left; margin-left: 20px;">
                    <asp:Label ID="Label1_SelectData" runat="server">(Hide checking...)</asp:Label>
                <div style="float: right; vertical-align: middle;">
                    <asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton1" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/expand_blue.jpg" AlternateText="(Show to search...)"/>
                    <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" OnClientClick="togger=1;" OnClick="LinkButton1_Click">LinkButton</asp:LinkButton>
      <asp:Panel ID="Panel1Data" runat="server" style="background-color:#EEEEEE;" Height="30px">
    <ajaxToolkit:CollapsiblePanelExtender ID="CollapsiblePanelExtender1" runat="Server"
        ExpandedText="(Hide searching...)"
        CollapsedText="(Show to search...)"
        SkinID="CollapsiblePanelDemo" BehaviorID="CollapsiblePanelBehavior1" />

PICTalker - Low Cost PIC Speech Synthesizer

PICTalker is a low cost allophone-based system for synthesis speech. The system use PIC16F628 microcontroller as main processor. You need a PIC development system and programmer, and Microsoft QBasic to program the microcontroller and EEPROMs to build this poject.

Speech quality is somewhat inferior to that from an SPO256 system. Most people immediately understand most or all of the speech it produces provided sufficient care is taken when constructing words from the component allophones. The speech is significantly easier to understand if the loudspeaker used has poor base response.

Documentation and source code

tag : low cost speech synthesizer, PIC project (src)

PICTalker - Low Cost PIC Speech Synthesizer

PICTalker is a low cost allophone-based system for synthesis speech. The system use PIC16F628 microcontroller as main processor. You need a PIC development system and programmer, and Microsoft QBasic to program the microcontroller and EEPROMs to build this poject.

Speech quality is somewhat inferior to that from an SPO256 system. Most people immediately understand most or all of the speech it produces provided sufficient care is taken when constructing words from the component allophones. The speech is significantly easier to understand if the loudspeaker used has poor base response.

Documentation and source code

tag : low cost speech synthesizer, PIC project (src)

PICTalker - Low Cost PIC Speech Synthesizer

PICTalker is a low cost allophone-based system for synthesis speech. The system use PIC16F628 microcontroller as main processor. You need a PIC development system and programmer, and Microsoft QBasic to program the microcontroller and EEPROMs to build this poject.

Speech quality is somewhat inferior to that from an SPO256 system. Most people immediately understand most or all of the speech it produces provided sufficient care is taken when constructing words from the component allophones. The speech is significantly easier to understand if the loudspeaker used has poor base response.

Documentation and source code

tag : low cost speech synthesizer, PIC project (src)

Simple AVR USB Temperature Probe

This simple USB temperature probe uses the AVR USB library by Objective Development. The included ruby script reads the temperature and optionally logs it using RRDTool. The EasyLogger would send the data values over a keyboard interface. The project uses a custom device class and reads values using the ruby-usb library. The project primarily intended to be used in Linux, although it is possible to get it to work in XP with a bit of hassle involved.
USB Temperature Probe Documentation

Term : AVR, USB, Temperature Project src

Simple AVR USB Temperature Probe

This simple USB temperature probe uses the AVR USB library by Objective Development. The included ruby script reads the temperature and optionally logs it using RRDTool. The EasyLogger would send the data values over a keyboard interface. The project uses a custom device class and reads values using the ruby-usb library. The project primarily intended to be used in Linux, although it is possible to get it to work in XP with a bit of hassle involved.
USB Temperature Probe Documentation

Term : AVR, USB, Temperature Project src

Simple AVR USB Temperature Probe

This simple USB temperature probe uses the AVR USB library by Objective Development. The included ruby script reads the temperature and optionally logs it using RRDTool. The EasyLogger would send the data values over a keyboard interface. The project uses a custom device class and reads values using the ruby-usb library. The project primarily intended to be used in Linux, although it is possible to get it to work in XP with a bit of hassle involved.
USB Temperature Probe Documentation

Term : AVR, USB, Temperature Project src

I2C Bus Analyzer with USB link to PC

I2C Bus Analyzer
I2C-bus analyzer is a electronic project that has function to capture all transmissions via I2C/TWI bus, decode it and send to PC via virtual RS-232 port. Received data can be displayed by any terminal program on PC computer. The project use ATTiny2313 microcontroller with 20MHz crystal as main part. Link to PC are realized by FTDI FT245RL on UM245R module.


I2C Bus Analyzer with USB link to PC

I2C Bus Analyzer
I2C-bus analyzer is a electronic project that has function to capture all transmissions via I2C/TWI bus, decode it and send to PC via virtual RS-232 port. Received data can be displayed by any terminal program on PC computer. The project use ATTiny2313 microcontroller with 20MHz crystal as main part. Link to PC are realized by FTDI FT245RL on UM245R module.


I2C Bus Analyzer with USB link to PC

I2C Bus Analyzer
I2C-bus analyzer is a electronic project that has function to capture all transmissions via I2C/TWI bus, decode it and send to PC via virtual RS-232 port. Received data can be displayed by any terminal program on PC computer. The project use ATTiny2313 microcontroller with 20MHz crystal as main part. Link to PC are realized by FTDI FT245RL on UM245R module.


EMERGE is on Facebook! :)


I'm pleased to announce that as of today EMERGE Recycling is now officially on Facebook: Voila!

Please feel free to take a look at our page and become a fan if you'd like! We would also love for any of our customers to post reviews so that future customers can know what to expect from our services.

Onwards & upwards!


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