Digital Clock using Classic LED 7 Segment Displays

Simple digital clock PIC project

This is a simple digital clock project using PIC16F887 and classic LED 7-Segment from HP 5082-7414 created by punkky. The displays are bright red and sun light viewable. Each clock consumes about 0.25W (50mA, 5V) when the PIC16F887 operates at 250kHz (display refresh rate is about 61Hz).

Tag: digital clock, 7 segment display, PIC project src

Digital Clock using Classic LED 7 Segment Displays

Simple digital clock PIC project

This is a simple digital clock project using PIC16F887 and classic LED 7-Segment from HP 5082-7414 created by punkky. The displays are bright red and sun light viewable. Each clock consumes about 0.25W (50mA, 5V) when the PIC16F887 operates at 250kHz (display refresh rate is about 61Hz).

Tag: digital clock, 7 segment display, PIC project src

Digital Clock using Classic LED 7 Segment Displays

Simple digital clock PIC project

This is a simple digital clock project using PIC16F887 and classic LED 7-Segment from HP 5082-7414 created by punkky. The displays are bright red and sun light viewable. Each clock consumes about 0.25W (50mA, 5V) when the PIC16F887 operates at 250kHz (display refresh rate is about 61Hz).

Tag: digital clock, 7 segment display, PIC project src

PIC Debugging Tool

PIC in circuit debugger tool

In-Circuit-Debugger is handy and easy PIC debugging tool for PIC programmers that interface to the target PIC placed- board. The device comes with MPLAB plug-ins that provides a full rich set of commands and functions in order to debug your code in real time. The project created by Electrical Engineer Atanasios Melimopoulos.

After hours of using some brands of ICDs, ICD2, etc. on different projects, I faced some hardware situations where the two pin interface ICD <-> PIC becomes annoying and sometimes difficult to work around. Apart from the fact that your target PIC must run at selected clock frequencies that allows the ICD-Uart baudrate multiplier to fit. Also, some pics do not allow the same on-hook commands upon which ICDs are based. There is no electrical isolation between the pic-target board and the USB–Serial PC-GND interface.


tag : PIC debugger, PIC programmer tools, PIC project src

PIC Debugging Tool

PIC in circuit debugger tool

In-Circuit-Debugger is handy and easy PIC debugging tool for PIC programmers that interface to the target PIC placed- board. The device comes with MPLAB plug-ins that provides a full rich set of commands and functions in order to debug your code in real time. The project created by Electrical Engineer Atanasios Melimopoulos.

After hours of using some brands of ICDs, ICD2, etc. on different projects, I faced some hardware situations where the two pin interface ICD <-> PIC becomes annoying and sometimes difficult to work around. Apart from the fact that your target PIC must run at selected clock frequencies that allows the ICD-Uart baudrate multiplier to fit. Also, some pics do not allow the same on-hook commands upon which ICDs are based. There is no electrical isolation between the pic-target board and the USB–Serial PC-GND interface.


tag : PIC debugger, PIC programmer tools, PIC project src

PIC Debugging Tool

PIC in circuit debugger tool

In-Circuit-Debugger is handy and easy PIC debugging tool for PIC programmers that interface to the target PIC placed- board. The device comes with MPLAB plug-ins that provides a full rich set of commands and functions in order to debug your code in real time. The project created by Electrical Engineer Atanasios Melimopoulos.

After hours of using some brands of ICDs, ICD2, etc. on different projects, I faced some hardware situations where the two pin interface ICD <-> PIC becomes annoying and sometimes difficult to work around. Apart from the fact that your target PIC must run at selected clock frequencies that allows the ICD-Uart baudrate multiplier to fit. Also, some pics do not allow the same on-hook commands upon which ICDs are based. There is no electrical isolation between the pic-target board and the USB–Serial PC-GND interface.


tag : PIC debugger, PIC programmer tools, PIC project src

Arduino Autopilot Control

Arduino Autopilot Control Project

ArduPilot is a full-featured autopilot based on the Arduino open-source hardware platform. It is a custom PCB with an embedded processor (ATMega168) combined with circuitry to switch between RC control and autopilot control (that's the multiplexer/failsafe, otherwise known as a "MUX"). This controls navigation (following GPS waypoints) and altitude by controlling the rudder and throttle. These components are all open source. This autopilot is fully programmable and can have any number of GPS waypoints (including altitude) and It uses infrared (thermopile) sensors for stabilization and GPS for navigation.

microcontroller auto pilot project

tag : Arduino project, Auto Pilot Control, Embedded project src

Arduino Autopilot Control

Arduino Autopilot Control Project

ArduPilot is a full-featured autopilot based on the Arduino open-source hardware platform. It is a custom PCB with an embedded processor (ATMega168) combined with circuitry to switch between RC control and autopilot control (that's the multiplexer/failsafe, otherwise known as a "MUX"). This controls navigation (following GPS waypoints) and altitude by controlling the rudder and throttle. These components are all open source. This autopilot is fully programmable and can have any number of GPS waypoints (including altitude) and It uses infrared (thermopile) sensors for stabilization and GPS for navigation.

microcontroller auto pilot project

tag : Arduino project, Auto Pilot Control, Embedded project src

Arduino Autopilot Control

Arduino Autopilot Control Project

ArduPilot is a full-featured autopilot based on the Arduino open-source hardware platform. It is a custom PCB with an embedded processor (ATMega168) combined with circuitry to switch between RC control and autopilot control (that's the multiplexer/failsafe, otherwise known as a "MUX"). This controls navigation (following GPS waypoints) and altitude by controlling the rudder and throttle. These components are all open source. This autopilot is fully programmable and can have any number of GPS waypoints (including altitude) and It uses infrared (thermopile) sensors for stabilization and GPS for navigation.

microcontroller auto pilot project

tag : Arduino project, Auto Pilot Control, Embedded project src

Microcontroller to USB Serial Interface Circuit

Microcontroller to USB UART Interface Circuit

Figure 7.4 USB to MCU Serial Interface
An example of using the FT232R as a USB to Microcontroller
(MCU) UART interface is shown in Figure 7.4. In this application
the FT232R uses TXD and RXD for transmission and reception of
data, and RTS# / CTS# signals for hardware handshaking. Also
in this example CBUS0 has been configured as a 12MHz output to
clock the MCU. Optionally, RI# could be connected to another I/O
pin on the MCU and used to wake up the USB host controller from
suspend mode. If the MCU is handling power management functions,
then a CBUS pin can be configured as PWREN# and would also be
connected to an I/O pin of the MCU.

FT245BM datasheet pdf

Implementation USB to microcontroller (AVR)

Purpose of this article is to inform readers about implementation
USB interface into singlechip microcontroller, which this interface
directly not supports. Simply: implementation USB interface on
firmware level (similar as emulation of RS232 Serial interface in
microcontrollers, which not have RS232 Serial support). This project
includes development of firmware on microcontroller side, driver
development on computer side (for Windows operating system) ,
development of DLL library for functions calling from another
programs (programmers level) and development of demo program
(users level), which shows all functions of this device. Device is
named IgorPlug-USB (AVR) (as successor of my previous device
for computer remote control
IgorPlug - serial port version).

Universal USB interface

SPOT : AVR Wireless Flash Trigger

wireless flash triger for camera

The SPOT (strobist-project-opensource-trigger)is a remote flash trigger radio transceiver. It lets you adjust and trigger off-camera flashes remotely. It has two modes of operation: First, As a transmitter it sits on the hot shoe of a camera and forwards electrical flash trigger signals from the camera to slave flashes via radio. Secondly, As a receiver it is connected to a small hot shoe ("system") flash. The project use microcontroller AVR ATmega 8L as main controller.

Download :
Documentation and source

tag : microcontroller project, avr ATmega 8L, wireless flash triger

SPOT : AVR Wireless Flash Trigger

wireless flash triger for camera

The SPOT (strobist-project-opensource-trigger)is a remote flash trigger radio transceiver. It lets you adjust and trigger off-camera flashes remotely. It has two modes of operation: First, As a transmitter it sits on the hot shoe of a camera and forwards electrical flash trigger signals from the camera to slave flashes via radio. Secondly, As a receiver it is connected to a small hot shoe ("system") flash. The project use microcontroller AVR ATmega 8L as main controller.

Download :
Documentation and source

tag : microcontroller project, avr ATmega 8L, wireless flash triger

SPOT : AVR Wireless Flash Trigger

wireless flash triger for camera

The SPOT (strobist-project-opensource-trigger)is a remote flash trigger radio transceiver. It lets you adjust and trigger off-camera flashes remotely. It has two modes of operation: First, As a transmitter it sits on the hot shoe of a camera and forwards electrical flash trigger signals from the camera to slave flashes via radio. Secondly, As a receiver it is connected to a small hot shoe ("system") flash. The project use microcontroller AVR ATmega 8L as main controller.

Download :
Documentation and source

tag : microcontroller project, avr ATmega 8L, wireless flash triger


To go from 45° to 90° requires two HMC1501
sensors or a single HMC1512 dual sensor part. By
using two bridges with 45° displacement from each
other, the two linear slopes can be used additively.
Figure 8 shows a typical configuration.
From Figure 8, as the shaft rotates around, magnetic
flux from a magnet placed at the end of the shaft exits
the north pole and returns to the south pole. With a
HMC1512 placed on the shaft axis, just above the
magnet, the flux passing through the sensor bridges
will retain the orientation of the magnet. From this
rotation, the output of the two bridges will create sine
and cosine waveforms as shown in Figure 9.

Because the sine (sensor bridge A) and cosine
(sensor bridge B) will match after the offset error
voltages are subtracted, the ratio of bridge A to bridge
B creates a tangent 2O function and the amplitude A
values cancel. Thus the angle theta is described

However because there are some trigonometric
nuances with the arctangent function when gets
close to _45° and beyond, these special cases apply:

Because most trigonometric functions are performed
as memory maps in microcontroller integrated circuits,
these kinds of special case conditions are easily dealt
with. The resultant angle theta is the relative
position of the magnetic field with respect to the
sensor. It should be noted that if rotation is permitted
beyond _90°, the theta calculation will replicate again
with postive and negative 90° readings jumping at the
end points. Further performance to 360° or _180° can
be mapped into a microcontroller by using this circuit
plus a Hall Effect sensor to determine which side of
the shaft is being positionally measured via magnetic
polarity detection. Figure 10 shows the basic circuit
interface for the HMC1512.


HMC1501 / HMC1512
Linear / Angular / Rotary
Displacement Sensors
High resolution, low power MR sensor capable of measuring the angle
direction of a magnetic field from a magnet with <0.07>

Let's Discuss (Senior Projects/Everythings) in our Forums

Working on Microcontrollers is needed some practical experiences. Due to this reason, I started the Microcontroller Programming Forums for community discussion. The aim is to create an online discussion board there the members can helps each other. Sharing an experience is expectation for our Forums. Whoever you are i.e. Engineer, Scientist, Student, Hobbyist, alls are welcome to our forum:

For a student who is working on senior project related to MCUs, it is a great chance to find an expert you can consult online.

Why don't you joint us. Please become our member.

Snubber Circuit Design

Mosfet RCD Snubber Circuit Design

Design the MOSFET RCD snubber circuit

Push-Pull Snubber Circuit

Mosfet Snubber Circuit in Flyback Converter Circuit

Switch Protection Design - Fast-Recovery Diodes

Magnetic Rotary Encoder to Microcontroller Circuit

12-Bit Programmable Magnetic Rotary Encoder

The AS5145 is a contact less magnetic rotary encoder for
accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360 degrees.
It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall elements,
analog front end and digital signal processing in a single device.
To measure the angle, only a simple two-pole magnet, rotating
over the center of the chip, is required. The magnet may be
placed above or below the IC.The absolute angle measurement
provides instant indication of the magnet’s angular position with
a resolution of 0.0879º = 4096 positions per revolution. This
digital data is available as a serial bit stream and as a PWM
signal.An internal voltage regulator allows the AS5145 to
operate at either 3.3V or 5V supplies.

Typical magnet (6x3mm) and magnetic field distribution

Daisy Chain Mode

The Daisy Chain mode allows connection of several
AS5145’s in series, while still keeping just one digital input
for data transfer (see “Data IN” in Figure 9). This mode is
accomplished by connecting the data output (DO; pin 9) to
the data input (PDIO; pin 8) of the subsequent device. The
serial data of all connected devices is read from the DO pin
of the first device in the chain. The length of the serial bit
stream increases with every connected device,
it is n * (18+1) bits: n= number of devices. e.g. 38 bit for two
devices, 57 bit for three devices, etcetc.

Microcontroller Switch-Mode Battery Charger Circuit

Microcontroller Battery Charger Circuit

In applications where a microcontroller is available, the
MAX1640/MAX1641 can be used as a low-cost battery
charger (Figure 5). The controller takes over fast
charge, pulse-trickle charge, charge termination, and
other smart functions. By monitoring the output voltage
at VOUT, the controller initiates fast charge (set D0 and
D1 high), terminates fast charge and initiates top-off
(set D0 high and D1 low), enters trickle charge (set D0
low and D1 high), or shuts off and terminates current
flow (set D0 and D1 low).
more pdf

MAX846A Li+ charger with charge timer and LED-status
outputs, controlled by an 8-pin Microcontroller

In this example, a small external µP enhances the MAX846A,
forming a complete desktop-charger system that includes
user-interface functions such as the LEDs in Figure (to indicate
the charge process and status). The MAX846A is designed for
this type of operation. Its auxiliary linear regulator and µP-reset
circuit (to support the external µC) reduces the cost of a typical
desktop-charger application.

AVR Nikon Camera Remote Control

Nikon Camera Remote Control Microcontroller project

This is an IR remote control for Nikon cameras. The circuit project is very simple: an ATtiny13V, button, transistor, resistor, IR diode and 3V battery. You can also connect the IR diode directly to the ATtiny13V, but that will limit the LED current and therefore the range. The project is compatible with the Nikon ML-L3 remote control. Supported cameras include: D40, D40X, D50, D60, D70, D70s, D80, and Coolpix 8400 8800. This project created by Dick Streefland

Schematic and source code

Tag: Remote control, Camera RC, AVR project (src)

AVR Nikon Camera Remote Control

Nikon Camera Remote Control Microcontroller project

This is an IR remote control for Nikon cameras. The circuit project is very simple: an ATtiny13V, button, transistor, resistor, IR diode and 3V battery. You can also connect the IR diode directly to the ATtiny13V, but that will limit the LED current and therefore the range. The project is compatible with the Nikon ML-L3 remote control. Supported cameras include: D40, D40X, D50, D60, D70, D70s, D80, and Coolpix 8400 8800. This project created by Dick Streefland

Schematic and source code

Tag: Remote control, Camera RC, AVR project (src)

AVR Nikon Camera Remote Control

Nikon Camera Remote Control Microcontroller project

This is an IR remote control for Nikon cameras. The circuit project is very simple: an ATtiny13V, button, transistor, resistor, IR diode and 3V battery. You can also connect the IR diode directly to the ATtiny13V, but that will limit the LED current and therefore the range. The project is compatible with the Nikon ML-L3 remote control. Supported cameras include: D40, D40X, D50, D60, D70, D70s, D80, and Coolpix 8400 8800. This project created by Dick Streefland

Schematic and source code

Tag: Remote control, Camera RC, AVR project (src)

AVR Based Diode Temperature Meter

Temperature Meter
This is Multi channel diode temperature meter project with Microcontroller AVR AT90S2333 as main controller. It can be use to replace thermister temperature meter.

Front end of the temperature sensor and amplifier circuit consists of constant current. Approximately a constant current of 63µA sensor (diode) in the sink, a diode voltage drop of 3-fold amplification and A / D converter (10bit, 3.3V/fs) type. Drift in this block is the main cause of measurement error, the components must be selected as the low temperature drift.

Where an adjustment is not analog, EEPROM calibration parameters are calculated from the temperature to make sure that you store in it. The calibration process is required for proper equipment such as computer terminals instead of the driver. Some cases, ISP via cable (N81, 38.4kbps) has been to enter the calibration mode is turned on and connected.

Schematic and source code

Tag: Temperature Meter, Microcontroller AVR project, electronic project (src)

AVR Based Diode Temperature Meter

Temperature Meter
This is Multi channel diode temperature meter project with Microcontroller AVR AT90S2333 as main controller. It can be use to replace thermister temperature meter.

Front end of the temperature sensor and amplifier circuit consists of constant current. Approximately a constant current of 63µA sensor (diode) in the sink, a diode voltage drop of 3-fold amplification and A / D converter (10bit, 3.3V/fs) type. Drift in this block is the main cause of measurement error, the components must be selected as the low temperature drift.

Where an adjustment is not analog, EEPROM calibration parameters are calculated from the temperature to make sure that you store in it. The calibration process is required for proper equipment such as computer terminals instead of the driver. Some cases, ISP via cable (N81, 38.4kbps) has been to enter the calibration mode is turned on and connected.

Schematic and source code

Tag: Temperature Meter, Microcontroller AVR project, electronic project (src)

AVR Based Diode Temperature Meter

Temperature Meter
This is Multi channel diode temperature meter project with Microcontroller AVR AT90S2333 as main controller. It can be use to replace thermister temperature meter.

Front end of the temperature sensor and amplifier circuit consists of constant current. Approximately a constant current of 63µA sensor (diode) in the sink, a diode voltage drop of 3-fold amplification and A / D converter (10bit, 3.3V/fs) type. Drift in this block is the main cause of measurement error, the components must be selected as the low temperature drift.

Where an adjustment is not analog, EEPROM calibration parameters are calculated from the temperature to make sure that you store in it. The calibration process is required for proper equipment such as computer terminals instead of the driver. Some cases, ISP via cable (N81, 38.4kbps) has been to enter the calibration mode is turned on and connected.

Schematic and source code

Tag: Temperature Meter, Microcontroller AVR project, electronic project (src)

Switch-Mode Battery Charger Circuit

Fast, High Effi ciency, Standalone NiMH/NiCd Battery
Charging Circuit

Figure 1 shows a fast, 2A charger featuring the
high effi ciency LTC4011 550kHz synchronous buck
converter. The LTC4011 simplifi es charger design by
integrating all of the features needed to charge Ni-based
batteries, including constant current control circuitry,
charge termination, automatic trickle and top off
charge, automatic recharge, programmable timer,
PowerPath control and multiple status outputs. Such a
high level of integration lowers the component count,
enabling a complete charger to occupy less than 4cm2
of board area.

Battery Charger Delivers 2.5A With >96% Efficiency
Battery chargers are usually designed without regard for
efficiency, but the heat generated by low-efficiency
chargers can present a problem. For those applications,
the charger of Figure 1 delivers 2.5A with efficiency as
high as 96%. It can charge a battery of one to six cells
while operating from a car battery.

Figure 1. Modified feedback paths transform this switch-mode
power-supply circuit for notebook computers into a
high-efficiency battery charger.
more pdf

Small USB Device Charger

USB Battery charger

This advance tiny USB battery powered charger is handy tools for your need. You can use it to charge almost all devices which are charged via USB, like iPods or mobile phones, with only two AA-Cells. The Most important compenent of the cicuit LT1301. This is a small step up converter for to build switching mode power supplys with only a few external components.

Download :
Schematic and document

tag : USB Charger, Battery Powered Charger, Small Charger (src)

Small USB Device Charger

USB Battery charger

This advance tiny USB battery powered charger is handy tools for your need. You can use it to charge almost all devices which are charged via USB, like iPods or mobile phones, with only two AA-Cells. The Most important compenent of the cicuit LT1301. This is a small step up converter for to build switching mode power supplys with only a few external components.

Download :
Schematic and document

tag : USB Charger, Battery Powered Charger, Small Charger (src)

Small USB Device Charger

USB Battery charger

This advance tiny USB battery powered charger is handy tools for your need. You can use it to charge almost all devices which are charged via USB, like iPods or mobile phones, with only two AA-Cells. The Most important compenent of the cicuit LT1301. This is a small step up converter for to build switching mode power supplys with only a few external components.

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Schematic and document

tag : USB Charger, Battery Powered Charger, Small Charger (src)