Build Your Own ARM Cross Compiler Toolchain

GNUARM is a set of open source GNU compiler for ARM microcontroller. The toolchain consists of the GNU binutils, GCC compiler set, Newlib and Insight, the graphical user interface to GNU debugger for Windows and Linux. This article will guide the building process of GNUARM toolchain only for Linux users. For Windows users, there have the installer executable EXE files already. has a tutorial on setting up this tool on Windows environment.


8051 mcu, von Neumann vs Harvard Architectures

We can classify computer architectures into two categories:

von Neumann architecture: computers has a single, common memory space in which both program instructions and data are stored. There is a single internal data bus that fetches both instructions and data. They can not be performed at
the same time

Harvard architecture: computers have separate memory areas for program instructions and data. There are two or more internal data buses, which allow simultaneous access to both instructions and data. The CPU fetches program instructions on the program memory bus.


iF-DEV Free Tools for ARM7/9/XScale

You can get started developing on an ARM for only $99 with dev. kit from iSystem AG. iF-DEV is a complete development tool solution for ARM7, ARM9 and XScale (see Fig. below). The system includes includes everything you need to get started. The small target board contains an ARM-based NXP LPC2138 microcontroller along with a USB-based JTAG debugger. Power to the target is provided by the JTAG’s USB interface.


Microcontroller Programmer DIY

I search about this issue for a while, "Building programmer of our own designs". I found a few of open source programmer projects so that every body can use and contribute it. Here is an opportunity of learning the microcontroller programmer designs from that open schematics. (more…)

Learn Embedded Linux with ARMulator

uClinux is an excellent way to study the embedded operating systems for enginner, student, hobbiest, Linux-enthusiast. I am interested in Embedded Linux for ARM microcontroller. Before buying a new mcu evaluation board, there is a smart way to study the Embedded Linux. That is studying it with the emulator called ARMUlator. (more...)

Microcontrollers and the GNU Public License (GPL)

Open Source software is released according to the terms of the GNU Public License, GPL. The GPL is intended to guarantee your rights to use, modify and copy the subject software. Along with the rights comes an obligation. If you modify and subsequently distribute software covered by the GPL, you are obligated to make available the modified source code. The changes become a "derivative work" which is also subject to the terms of the GPL. This allows other users to understand the software better and to make further changes if they wish. (more...)

Linux for Embedded Systems

For a microcontroller learner, Embedded System is a challenge. Linux are used as an operating system for the modern embedded devices. I am a one who are trying to study Linux on an embedded microcontroller, i.e., 8051 mcu and ARM. Let's start together! (more...)

Understanding Processor Architecture: RISC versus CISC

Popular processor designs can be broadly divided into two categories: Complex Instruction Set Computers (CISC) and Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC). The dominant processor in the PC market, Pentium, belongs to the CISC category. However, the recent trend is to use the RISC designs. Even Intel has moved from CISC to RISC design for their 64-bit processor. (more...)

ASEM-51 step-by-step Installation on Windows XP

Last time I wrote an installation for ASEM-51, a two-pass macro assembler for the Intel MCS-51 family of microcontrollers, using the batch file INSTALL.BAT. For someone who do not like anything that is running automatically, or things are not quite clear, here is an step-by-step installation guide for ASEM-51. (more...)

Learning Machine Code with 8-bit Microcontrollers

To understand deeply in processor architecture, we have to learn the Machine Code. I decide to select the 8051 microcontroller as a microprocessor model. A microcontroller (or MCU) is a computer-on-a-chip. They integrate many modules on one chip such as RAM, Flash memory, EEPROM, serial ports (UARTs), I²C, Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), analog-to-digital converters (ADC), clock generator (XTAL) and more. (more...)